Geissel, B.
, Michels, A., Silagadze, N., Schauman, J., & Grönlund, K. (2023).
Public Deliberation or Popular Votes? Measuring the Performance of Different Types of Participatory Democracy.
Representation., A. M. B. (2011).
Innovations in democratic governance-How does citizen participation contribute to a better democracy? International Review of Administrative Sciences,
77(2), 275-293. Michels, A. M. B., & Binnema, H. A. (2019).
Assessing the impact of deliberative democratic initiatives at the local level: A framework for analysis.
Administration and Society,
51(5), 749-769. Michels, A. M. B. (2006). Citizen Participation and democracy in the Netherlands. Democratization, 13(2), 323-339.
Michels, A. M. B., Binnema, H. A., Boogaard, G., Cohen, J., Smets, P., & Vlind, M. (2016). G1000. Ervaringen met burgertoppen. Boom.
Michels, A. M. B. (2008). Debating Democracy: The Dutch Case. Acta Politica, 43(4), 472-492.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Geissel, B.
, Michels, A., Silagadze, N., Schauman, J., & Grönlund, K. (2023).
Public Deliberation or Popular Votes? Measuring the Performance of Different Types of Participatory Democracy.
Representation., A., & Hendriks, F. (2023). Werken aan een vitale democratie en de bijdrage van de bestuurskunde. In T. Overmans, M. Honingh, & M. Noordegraaf (Eds.), Maatschappelijke bestuurskunde : Hoe verbindende bestuurskundigen (kunnen) inspelen op maatschappelijke vraagstukken (pp. 231-247). Boom.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Przeybilovicz, E., Cunha, M. A.
, Geertman, S., Leleux, C.
, Michels, A., Tomor, Z., Webster, C. W. R.
, & Meijer, A. (2022).
Citizen participation in the smart city: findings from an international comparative study.
Local Government Studies,
48(1), 23-47. 2021
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Hendriks, F.
, & Michels, A. (2021).
Citizen involvement in subnational governance: innovations, trends and questions. In M. Callanan, & J. Loughlin (Eds.),
A Research Agenda for Regional and Local Government (pp. 133-147). (Elgar Research Agendas). Edward Elgar Publishing., H. A., & Michels, A. M. B. (2021).
Does Democratic Innovation Reduce Bias? The G1000 as a New Form of Local Citizen Participation.
International Journal of Public Administration. 2020
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Akerboom, S., Botzen, W., Buijze, A., Michels, A., & van Rijswick, M. (2020).
Meeting goals of sustainability policy: CO2 emission reduction, cost-effectiveness and societal acceptance. An analysis of the proposal to phase-out coal in the Netherlands.
Energy Policy,
138, [111210]. 2019
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Tomor, Z., Meijer, A. J., Michels, A. M. B., & Geertman, S. C. M. (2019).
Smart Governance For Sustainable Cities: Findings from a Systematic Literature Review.
Journal of Urban Technology,
26(4), 3-27. Michels, A. M. B., & Binnema, H. A. (2019).
Assessing the impact of deliberative democratic initiatives at the local level: A framework for analysis.
Administration and Society,
51(5), 749-769. Vakpublicaties
Michels, A. M. B. (2019). Democratische vernieuwing is een feest met kanttekeningen. In F. Dekker, M. Ham, & J. van der Meer (Eds.), Nieuwe zekerheden in onzekere tijden (pp. 141-151). Tijdschrift voor Sociale Vraagstukken.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Tomor, Z., Meijer, A. J., Michels, A. M. B., & Geertman, S. (2018). Smart Governance for Sustainable Cities:Findings from a Systematic Literature Review. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Michels, A. M. B., & Binnema, H. A. (2018).
Deepening and Connecting Democratic Processes: The Opportunities and Pitfalls of Mini-Publics in Renewing Democracy.
Social Sciences,
7(11), [236]. Geissel, B.
, & Michels, A. M. B. (2018).
Patterns of Democracies and Participatory Developments - A Matter of Path Dependency? In A. Farazmand (Ed.),
Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance Springer International Publishing. resultaten
Michels, A. M. B. (2018). Partnerships and Livability. Annual EURA-conference, Tilburg.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Michels, A. M. B., & Trappenburg, M. J. (Eds.) (2017). Themanummer: Democratie in de Lage Landen. Res Publica, 59(1).
van Montfort, C., Michels, A. M. B., & Lubberding, S. (2017). Partnerships for Green Cities. Paper presented at International Conference on Public Policy, Singapore, Singapore.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Michels, A. M. B., Binnema, H. A., Boogaard, G., Cohen, J., Smets, P., & Vlind, M. (2016). G1000. Ervaringen met burgertoppen. Boom.
Michels, A. (2016).
Arguments for involving the public in water management: evidence from local and regional water plans in the Netherlands.
Water Policy,
18(4), 918-931. Michels, A. M. B., & Binnema, H. A. (2016).
Hoe divers, invloedrijk en deliberatief is een G1000? Het ontwerp van een burgertop en de verwezenlijking van democratische waarden.
70(1), 17-36. Overige resultaten
Michels, A. M. B. (2016). Power to the Citizens. New Developments in Participatory Innovations in Western Europe. Paper presented at Workshop Citizen Participation in Local Governance in China and Beyond, Zürich, Switzerland.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Michels, A. M. B., & van Montfort, C. (2015).
Urban governance and partnerships in Indian and Chinese cities: Examples from Delhi, Beijing and Shanghai. In L. van den Dool, F. Hendriks, A. Gianoli, & L. Schaap (Eds.),
The Quest for Good Urban Governance: Theoretical Reflections and International Practices (pp. 165-183). [9] (Urban and Regional Research International; Vol. 15). Springer Science+Business Media. Vakpublicaties
Michels, A., & Binnema, H. (2015). De G1000 in Groningen en de burgertop in Amsterdam vergeleken met andere G1000en: De realisatie van democratische waarden. (G1000 Working Papers).
Michels, A., & Binnema, H. (2015). G1000 in Amersfoort, Uden en Kruiskamp: De realisatie van democratische waarden. (G1000 Working Papers).
Overige resultaten
Michels, A. M. B., & van Montfort, C. (2015). A theoretical evaluation model for PPPs in the water sector.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Overige resultaten
Michels, A. (2014). Burgerparticipatie democratisch gewogen. Paper presented at NIG conference Delft, 27-28 november, Local Democratic Audit, Delft, Netherlands.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Michels, A. M. B., & van Montfort, C. (2013). Partnerships as a contribution to urban governance in India and China. Journal of US-China Public Administration, 10(1), 26-38.
Michels, A. M. B., van Dooren, W., & van Montfort, C. (2013). The sound of silence. Silent ideologies in public services. In Y. K. Dwivedi, M. A. Shareef, S. Pandey, & V. Kumar (Eds.), Public administration reformation: market demand from public organizations. (pp. 28-39). Routledge.
Michels, A. M. B., van Montfort, C., & van Dooren, W. (2013). Stille ideologie in beleid en bestuur. Bestuurskunde, 22(2), 3-12.
Overige resultaten
Michels, A. M. B., & van Montfort, C. (2013). The governance of public - private partnerships: institutional voids in India and China.Paper.. Paper presented at Seminar Institutional Voids during State Re-Scaling, organized by the Erasmus Centre for Emerging Markets in cooperation with the IIAS Centre for Regulation and Governance, Rotterdam.
Michels, A. M. B. (2013). Understanding and enhancing democracy – a new agenda. Paper.. Paper presented at ECPR General Conference, Bordeaux.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
van Montfort, C., Michels, A. M. B., & van Dooren, W. (2012). Stille ideologie: een inleiding. In C. van Montfort, A. Michels, & W. van Dooren (Eds.), Stille ideologie, onderstromen in beleid en bestuur (pp. 9-22). Lemma.
van Montfort, C., Michels, A. M. B., & van Dooren, W. (2012). Stille ideologie, onderstromen in beleid en bestuur. Lemma.
Overige resultaten
Coffe, H., & Michels, A. M. B. (2012). Education and support for representative, direct and stealth democracy. Paper. Paper presented at 2012 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, New Orleans, USA.
Michels, A. M. B. (2012). Re-thinking democracy: Participatory innovations in democratic governance. Paper. Paper presented at UCD workshop Beyond Montesquieu: Re-thinking the architecture of contemporary governance, Dublin, Ireland.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Hendriks, F.
, & Michels, A. M. B. (2011).
Democracy transformed? Reforms in Britain and the Netherlands (1990-2010).
International Journal of Public Administration,
34(5), 307-317., A. M. B. (2011).
Innovations in democratic governance-How does citizen participation contribute to a better democracy? International Review of Administrative Sciences,
77(2), 275-293. Overige resultaten
Michels, A. M. B., & van Montfort, C. (2011). State, market and civil society. Partnerships and good governance in India and China.Paper. Paper presented at NIG Annual Work Conference, Panel 18: Governance in transition countries., Rotterdam.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Overige resultaten
Michels, A. M. B. (2010). Designing citizen participation, Between participation and deliberation, Paper. Paper presented at the EGPA Annual Conference, Study Group IV: Local Governance and Democracy.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Michels, A. M. B., & de Graaf, L. J. (2009). Maatschappelijke verantwoordelijkheid in de wijk. In H. van Duivenboden (Ed.), Verbonden verantwoordelijkheden in het publieke domein (pp. 301-312). Lemma.
Michels, A. M. B. (2009). Ideological positions and the referendum in the Netherlands. In M. Setälä, & T. Schiller (Eds.), Referendums and representative democracy : responsiveness, accountability and deliberation (pp. 56-74). (Routledge/ECPR studies in European political science; No. 62). Routledge.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Michels, A. M. B. (2008). Debating Democracy: The Dutch Case. Acta Politica, 43(4), 472-492.
van Montfort, C., Michels, A. M. B., & van der Steen, M. (2008). Tussen willen en weten: het cynisme voorbij. Bestuurskunde, 17(2), 56-60.
Michels, A. M. B., & Delhez, F. (2008). Burgerschap op de basisschool. In G. Alberts, M. Blankesteijn, B. Broekhans, & Y. van Tilborgh (Eds.), Burger in uitvoering (pp. 213-221). Aksant.
van Montfort, C., Michels, A. M. B., & van der Steen, M. (2008). Een klassiek probleem heroverwogen. Bestuurskunde, 17(2), 2-4.
Michels, A. M. B., & Meijer, A. J. (2008). Safeguarding public accountability in horizontal government. Public Management Review, 10(2), 165-173.
Overige resultaten
Michels, A. M. B. (2008). Citizen participation and the quality of democracy. Paper. Paper presented at NIG Annual Work Conference. Panel 5, Enschede.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Michels, A. M. B. (2007). Vertrouwen in burgers. B en M : tijdschrift voor beleid, politiek en maatschappij, 34, 78-81.
Overige resultaten
Michels, A. M. B. (2007). Images of democracy: the referendum in the Netherlands. Paper. Paper presented at ECPR Joint Sessions workshop referendums and Initiatives: Supplementing or Undermining Representative democracy?, Helsinki.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Michels, A. M. B. (2006). Citizen Participation and democracy in the Netherlands. Democratization, 13(2), 323-339.
Overige resultaten
Michels, A. M. B. (2006). De Nationale Conventie en de toekomst van de politieke partijen. Paper presented at Workshop 10 Politicologenetmaal: de dilemma's van de hedendaagse politieke partij, Den Haag.
Michels, A. M. B. (2006). Theories, dimensions and key concepts of Dutch democracy. Paper presented at One Democracy or Several? National Traditions of Democratic Thought, Darmstadt.
Overige resultaten
Michels, A. M. B. (2005). Horizontale beleidsvorming en democratie: Normen, rollen en verantwoordelijkheden. Paper presented at Politicologenetmaal, Antwerpen.
Overige resultaten
Michels, A. M. B. (2004). Citizen participation and democracy in the Netherlands. Paper presented at Workshop National Traditions of Democratic Thought, ECPR Joint Sessions, Sweden.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Michels, A. M. B., & Meijer, A. J. (2003). Horizontalisering van bestuur: een vraag om nieuwe vormen van publieke verantwoording. Bestuurswetenschappen, 57(4), 329-347.