Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Meijer, A., & Webster, W. (2023).
Editorial issue 3 2023: The Value of Classic Works in our Field.
Information Polity,
28(3), 315-316. Behrooz, A.
, & Meijer, A. (2023).
E-governance: Concept, practice and ethics. In
Public Management and Governance: Fourth Edition (pp. 258-270). Taylor and Francis - Balkema., A., & Webster, W. (2023).
Two Editorials: An Editorial by the Editors-in-Chief and an Editorial by ChatGPT.
Information Polity,
28(2), 159-162. Meijer, A., & Webster, W. (2023).
Editorial: Information Polity publishes more than strong empirical studies: It is a rich platform for learning and debate.
Information Polity,
28(1), 1-3. Ruijer, E., Van Twist, A., Haaker, T., Tartarin, T., Schuurman, N., Melenhorst, M.
, & Meijer, A. (2023).
Smart Governance Toolbox: A Systematic Literature Review.
Smart Cities,
6(2), 878-896. Ruijer, E., Dingelstad, J.
, & Meijer, A. (2023).
Studying complex systems through design interventions Probing open government data ecosystems in the Netherlands.
Public Management Review,
25(1), 129-149. van Twist, A., Ruijer, E., & Meijer, A. (2023).
Smart cities & citizen discontent: A systematic review of the literature.
Government Information Quarterly,
40(2), Article 101799. Fest, I., Schaefer, M., van Dijck, J., & Meijer, A. (2023).
Understanding Data Professionals in the Police: A Qualitative Study of System-Level Bureaucrats.
Public Management Review,
25(9), 1664-1684. Braams, R. B., Wesseling, J. H., Meijer, A. J., & Hekkert, M. P. (2023).
Civil servant tactics for realizing transition tasks understanding the microdynamics of transformative government.
Public Administration. Advance online publication. 2022
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
van Twist, A., Melenhorst, M., Veenstra, M., Ruijer, E., Kolk, M., & Meijer, A. (2022). Designing Guidelines for Smart City Collaboration Tools. In T. X. Bui (Ed.), Proceedings of the 55th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2022 (pp. 2690-2699). (Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences; Vol. 2022-January). IEEE Computer Society CPS.
Jochemsen, N., Mees, H., Bronsvoort, I., & Meijer, A. (2022). Uitdagingen van bewonersinitiatieven voor een duurzamer Utrecht: uitkomsten en aanbevelingen: Gebaseerd op een analyse van de onderzoeksgroep Burgerbetrokkenheid en Stedelijke Duurzaamheid (CITEUS). Universiteit Utrecht.
Grimmelikhuijsen, S., & Meijer, A. (2022).
Legitimacy of Algorithmic Decision-Making: Six Threats and the Need for a Calibrated Institutional Response.
Perspectives on Public Management and Governance,
5(3), 232-242. Porumbescu, G. A., Meijer, A., & Grimmelikhuijsen, S. (2022). Government Transparency: State of the Art and New Pespectives. (Elements in Public Policy). Cambridge University Press [etc.].
Dingelstad, J.
, Borst, R. T., & Meijer, A. (2022).
Hybrid Data Competencies for Municipal Civil Servants: An Empirical Analysis of the Required Competencies for Data-Driven Decision-Making.
Public Personnel Management,
51(4), 458-490., R. B., Wesseling, J. H., Meijer, A. J., & Hekkert, M. P. (2022).
Understanding why civil servants are reluctant to carry out transition tasks.
Science and Public Policy,
49(6), 905-914. Braams, R., Wesseling, J., Hekkert, M., & Meijer, A. (2022). Civil Servant Tactics for Realizing Transition Tasks. Abstract from EU-SPRI Conference 2022, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Lorenz, L., van Erp, J., & Meijer, A. (2022).
Machine-learning algorithms in regulatory practice: Nine organisational challenges for regulatory agencies.
Technology and Regulation,
2022(2022), 1-11. Przeybilovicz, E., Cunha, M. A.
, Geertman, S., Leleux, C.
, Michels, A., Tomor, Z., Webster, C. W. R.
, & Meijer, A. (2022).
Citizen participation in the smart city: findings from an international comparative study.
Local Government Studies,
48(1), 23-47. Brandsma, G. J., & Meijer, A. (2022).
Transparency and the efficiency of multi-actor decision-making processes: an empirical analysis of 244 decisions in the European Union.
International Review of Administrative Sciences,
88(3), 626-643. 2021
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Villodre, J., Criado, J. I.
, Meijer, A., & Liarte, I. (2021).
Organizational models for social media institutionalization: An exploratory analysis of Dutch local governments.
Information Polity,
26(4), 355-373., E., Chen, Y. C., Chun, S. A., Janssen, M.
, Meijer, A., Rana, N., & Visvizi, A. (2021).
Publishing Research in Digital Government: A Discussion with Editors-in-Chief of Key Journals. In J. Lee, G. V. Pereira, & S. Hwang (Eds.),
Proceedings of the 22nd Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research: Digital Innovations for Public Values: Inclusive Collaboration and Community, DGO 2021 (pp. 585-586). Article 3463748 (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)., R., Wesseling, J., Hekkert, M., & Meijer, A. (2021). The impact of Public Administration traditions on transition tasks: an empirical analysis of civil servants’ perceptions. Abstract from Eu-SPRI Annual Conference 2021, Oslo, Norway.
Ruijer, E., Grimmelikhuijsen, S., van den Berg, J.
, & Meijer, A. (2021).
Better together? Testing a collaborative approach to solve the local societal problems with open data. In E. Welch (Ed.),
Research Handbook on E-Government (pp. 13-30). (Elgar Handbooks in Public Administration and Management). Edward Elgar Publishing. Meijer, A., Lorenz, L., & Wessels, M. (2021).
Algorithmization of Bureaucratic Organizations: Using a Practice Lens to Study How Context Shapes Predictive Policing Systems.
Public Administration Review,
81(5), 837-846. Braams, R. B., Wesseling, J. H., Meijer, A. J., & Hekkert, M. P. (2021).
Legitimizing transformative government: Aligning essential government tasks from transition literature with normative arguments about legitimacy from Public Administration traditions.
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions,
39, 191-205. Meijer, A., & Thaens, M. (2021).
Path Dependency of Smart Cities: How Technological and Social Legacies Condition Smart City Development. In E. Estevez, T. A. Pardo, & H. J. Scholl (Eds.),
Smart Cities and Smart Governance: Towards the 22nd Century Sustainable City (1 ed., pp. 31-42). (Public Administration and Information Technology; Vol. 37). Springer. Lorenz, L., Meijer, A., & Schuppan, T. (2021).
The algocracy as a new ideal type for government organizations: Predictive policing in Berlin as an empirical case.
Information Polity,
26(1), 71-86. 2020
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Nieuwenhuizen, W.
, & Meijer, A. (2020).
ICT-based co-production: A public values perspective. In
The Palgrave Handbook of Co-Production of Public Services and Outcomes (pp. 577-594). Springer., S. G., & Meijer, A. J. (2020).
Verantwoorde algoritmisering: zorgen waardengevoeligheid en transparantie voor meer vertrouwen in algoritmische besluitvorming? Bestuurskunde,
2020(4), 7-20. Ruijer, E., Détienne, F., Baker, M., Groff, J.
, & Meijer, A. J. (2020).
The Politics of Open Government Data: Understanding Organizational Responses to Pressure for More Transparency.
American Review of Public Administration,
50(3), 260-274. Dekker, R., van den Brink, P.
, & Meijer, A. (2020).
Social media adoption in the police: Barriers and strategies.
Government Information Quarterly,
37(2), 1-9. Article 101441. Grossi, G.
, Meijer, A., & Sargiacomo, M. (2020).
A public management perspective on smart cities: ‘Urban auditing’ for management, governance and accountability.
Public Management Review,
22(5), 633-647., A., & Webster, W. (2020).
Editorial: An ever-growing interest in technology in the public sector – and also in Information Polity! Information Polity,
25(1), 1-2. Torfing, J., Cristofoli, D., Gloor, P. A.
, Meijer, A. J., & Trivellato, B. (2020).
Taming the snake in paradise: combining institutional design and leadership to enhance collaborative innovation.
Policy and Society,
39(4), 592–616., A., & Webster, C. W. R. (2020).
The COVID-19-crisis and the information polity: An overview of responses and discussions in twenty-one countries from six continents.
Information Polity,
25(3), 243-274. Braams, R. B., Wesseling, J. H., Hekkert, M. P., & Meijer, A. J. (2020). Legitimizing Transformative Government. Paper presented at The 11th International Sustainability Transition conference (IST).
van Lunenburg, M., Geuijen, K., & Meijer, A. (2020).
How and Why Do Social and Sustainable Initiatives Scale? A Systematic Review of the Literature on Social Entrepreneurship and Grassroots Innovation.
31(5), 1013-1024. Dekker, R., & Meijer, A. J. (2020).
Citizens as Aides or Adversaries? Police Responses to Digital Vigilantism. In D. Trottier, R. Gabdulhakov , & Q. Huang (Eds.),
Introducing Vigilant Audiences (pp. 281-305). (OBP collection). Open Book Publishers. Ruijer, H. J. M., & Meijer, A. J. (2020).
Open Government Data as an Innovation Process: Lessons from a Living Lab Experiment.
Public Performance & Management Review,
43(3), 613-635. Ruijer, E., Grimmelikhuijsen, S., van den Berg, J.
, & Meijer, A. (2020).
Open data work: understanding open data usage from a practice lens.
International Review of Administrative Sciences,
86(1), 3-19. 2019
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Ignacio Criado, J.
, Meijer, A., & Villodre, J. (2019).
From experimentation to public service delivery in social media. An analysis of institutionalization dynamics in Dutch local governments. In Y.-C. Chen, F. Salem, & A. Zuiderwijk (Eds.),
Proceedings of the 20th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research: Governance in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, dg.o 2019 (pp. 342-352). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)., A., & Webster, W. (2019).
Governing Smart Cities: Why Do Academics Need to Study Trendy Concepts? Information Polity,
24(3), 227-228. van den Hurk, M. H. H., Pelzer, P., & Meijer, A. J. (2019). Shaping digital mobility platforms: emerging insights from a transdisciplinary case study. Paper presented at Netherlands Institute of Governance Annual Work Conference, Amsterdam.
Meijer, A. J., Lips, M., & Chen, K. (2019).
Open Governance of Cities: A new paradigm for understanding urban collaboration.
Frontiers in Sustainable Cities,
1(3). Meijer, A. J., & de Jong, J. (2019).
Managing Value Conflicts in Public Innovation: Ostrich, Chameleon, and Dolphin Strategies.
International Journal of Public Administration, 1-12. Meijer, A. J., Schaefer, M. T., & Branderhorst, M. (2019).
Principes voor goed lokaal bestuur in de digitale samenleving: Een aanzet tot een normatief kader.
73(4), 8-23. Dekker, R., Franco Contreras, J. S.
, & Meijer, A. J. (2019).
The Living Lab as a Methodology for Public Administration Research: A Systematic Literature Review of its Applications in the Social Sciences. .
International Journal of Public Administration,
43(14), 1207-12017. de Graaf, G.
, & Meijer, A. J. (2019).
Social Media and Value Conflicts: An Explorative Study of the Dutch Police.
Public Administration Review,
79(1), 82-92. der Voort, H. G., Klievink, B., Arnaboldi, M.
, & Meijer, A. J. (2019).
Rationality and politics of algorithms. Will the promise of big data survive the dynamics of public decision making? Government Information Quarterly,
36(1), 27-38., A. J., Grimmelikhuijsen, S. G., Johnson, P. A., & Worthy, B. (2019).
Do Freedom of Information Laws Increase Transparency of Government? A replication of a field experiment.
Journal of Behavioral Public Administration,
2(1), 1-10. Tomor, Z., Meijer, A. J., Michels, A. M. B., & Geertman, S. C. M. (2019).
Smart Governance For Sustainable Cities: Findings from a Systematic Literature Review.
Journal of Urban Technology,
26(4), 3-27. Overige resultaten
Meijer, A. J. (Author). (2019).
NWA – Robin: een interactief levensverhaal. Digital or Visual Products 2018
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Meijer, A. J., & Thaens, M. (2018).
Urban Technological Innovation: Developing and Testing a Sociotechnical Framework for Studying Smart City Projects. Urban Affairs Review,
54(2), 363-387. Meijer, A. J. (2018).
Datapolis: A Public Governance Perspective on “Smart Cities”. Perspectives on Public Management and Governance,
1(3), 195-206. 2017
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Scarano, V., Malandrino, D., Baker, M., Détienne, F., Andriessen, J., Pardijs, M., Ojo, A., Hogan, M.
, Meijer, A., & Ruijer, E. (2017).
Fostering citizens’ participation and transparency with social tools and personalization. In A. Ojo, & J. Millard (Eds.),
Government 3.0 – Next Generation Government Technology Infrastructure and Services: Roadmaps, Enabling Technologies & Challenges (1 ed., pp. 197-218). (Public Administration and Information Technology; Vol. 32). Springer., M., Ojo, A., Harney, O.
, Ruijer, E., Meijer, A., Andriessen, J., Pardijs, M., Boscolo, P., Palmisano, E., Satta, M., Groff, J., Baker, M., Détienne, F., Porwol, L., Scarano, V., & Malandrino, D. (2017).
Governance, transparency and the collaborative design of open data collaboration platforms: understanding barriers, options, and needs. In A. Ojo, & J. Millard (Eds.),
Government 3.0 – Next Generation Government Technology Infrastructure and Services: Roadmaps, Enabling Technologies & Challenges (1 ed., pp. 299-332). (Public Administration and Information Technology; Vol. 32). Springer., E., Grimmelikhuijsen, S., Hogan, M., Enzerink, S., Ojo, A.
, & Meijer, A. (2017).
Connecting societal issues, users and data: Scenario-based design of open data platforms.
Government Information Quarterly,
34(3), 470-480. Safarov, I., Meijer, A., & Grimmelikhuijsen, S. (2017).
Utilization of open government data: A systematic literature review of types, conditions, effects and users.
Information Polity,
22(1), 1-24. Ruijer, E., Grimmelikhuijsen, S., & Meijer, A. (2017).
Open data for democracy: Developing a theoretical framework for open data use.
Government Information Quarterly,
34(1), 45-52. Vakpublicaties
Stam, F. C., Bosma, N. S., Gerards, J. H., Geuijen, C. H. M., Meijer, A. J., Nehmelman, R., Raven, R. P. J. M., & Robeyns, I. A. M. (2017).
Regionale sturing: inspelen op maatschappelijke uitdagingen. Utrecht University. Meijer, A. J. (2017).
Bestuurswetenschappen: platform voor interactie tussen praktijk en wetenschap? Een reflectie op de rubriek ‘Persoonlijk Meesterschap’ in samenwerking met IKPOB.
71(4), 100-101. Brummelkamp, G., Yochem, V. D. B., & Meijer, A. J. (2017). Impact Open overheid. Literatuuroverzicht. Rapport voor Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties. Panteia.
Overige resultaten
Van Lunenburg, M., Geuijen, C. H. M., & Meijer, A. J. (2017). How do bottom-up initiatives scale? A systematic review of the literature. Paper presented at PUBSIC, Lillehammer, Norway.
Meijer, A. J., & Thaens, M. (2017). The Dark Side of Public Innovation. Paper presented at PUBSIC, Lillehammer, Norway.
Wessels, M., & Meijer, A. J. (2017). Predictive Policing: Literature review of benefits and drawbacks . Paper presented at Annual Conference Netherlands Institute of Governance, Maastricht, Netherlands.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Douglas, S., & Meijer, A. (2016).
Transparency and Public Value—Analyzing the Transparency Practices and Value Creation of Public Utilities.
International Journal of Public Administration,
39(12), 940-951. Ruijer, E., & Meijer, A. (2016).
National Transparency Regimes: Rules or Principles? A Comparative Analysis of the United States and The Netherlands.
International Journal of Public Administration,
39(11), 895-908. Meijer, A. J., Gil-Garcia, J. R., & Bolívar, M. P. R. (2016).
Smart City Research: Contextual Conditions, Governance Models, and Public Value Assessment.
Social Science Computer Review,
34(6), 647-656. Meijer, A. J., Van der Veer, R.
, Faber, A., & Penning de Vries, J. (2016).
Political innovation as ideal and strategy: the case of aleatoric democracy in the City of Utrecht.
Public Management Review,
19, 2017(1), 20-36. Meijer, A., & Bolivar, M. P. R. (2016).
Governing the smart city: a review of the literature on smart urban governance.
International Review of Administrative Sciences,
82(2), 392-408. Bolivar, M. P. R.
, & Meijer, A. J. (2016).
Smart Governance: Using a Literature Review and Empirical Analysis to Build a Research Model.
Social Science Computer Review,
34(6), 673-692., S. C., & Meijer, A. J. (2016).
Transparency and public value: Analyzing the transparency practices and value creation of public utilities.
International Journal of Public Administration,
39(12), 940–951. 2015
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Scarano, V., Malandrino, D., Baker, M., Détienne, F., Andriessen, J., Pardijs, M., Ojo, A., Porwol, L., Szufel, P., Kamiński, B.
, Meijer, A., Ruijer, E., Forrester, J., Clementino, G., Trochidis, I., Banos, V., Andriessen, M., van de Klashorst, J. P., Riordan, P., ... Legale, E. (2015).
ROUTE-TO-PA H2020 Project: Raising open and user-friendly transparency-enabling technologies for public administrations. In S. K. Katsikas, & A. B. Sideridis (Eds.),
E-Democracy – Citizen Rights in the World of the New Computing Paradigms - 6th International Conference, E-Democracy 2015, Proceedings (Vol. 570, pp. 219-222). (Communications in Computer and Information Science; Vol. 570). Springer Verlag., A. J. (2015). Bestuur in de datapolis: Slimme stad, blije burger? Boom.
Meijer, A. (2015).
Government Transparency in Historical Perspective: From the Ancient Regime to Open Data in The Netherlands.
International Journal of Public Administration,
38(3), 189-199. Grimmelikhuijsen, S. G., & Meijer, A. J. (2015).
Does Twitter Increase Perceived Police Legitimacy? Public Administration Review,
75(4), 598-607. Meijer, A., & Bekkers, V. (2015).
A metatheory of e-government: Creating some order in a fragmented research field.
Government Information Quarterly,
32(3), 237-245. Meijer, A., & Lofgren, K. (2015).
The Neglect of Technology in Theories of Policy Change.
International Journal of Public Administration in the Digital Age,
2(1), 75-88. van de Velde, B.
, Meijer, A., & Homburg, V. (2015).
Police message diffusion on Twitter: analysing the reach of social media communications.
Behaviour and Information Technology,
34(1), 4-16.
Grimmelikhuijsen, S. G., & Meijer, A. J. (2015). Can Twitter strengthen perceived police legitimacy? Police Professional.
Meijer, A. J., & Thaens, M. (2015). Urban Technological Innovation: The Technological, Instrumental, Collaborative and Community Value of New Technologies.
Meijer, A. J. (2015). Coproduction as a Structural Transformation of the Public Sector: A Theoretical Reflection Illustrated by the Case of Crime Control.
Meijer, A. J., & Thaens, M. (2015). The Challenge of Managing Public Information.
de Lange, M., Meijer, A., & Houtkamp, J. (2015). The Playful City: a people-centric perspective of the smart city. Focus area Game Research.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Bovens, M. (Ed.), Goodin, R. E. (Ed.)
, Schillemans, T. (Ed.), & Meijer, A. (2014).
Transparency. In M. Bovens, R. E. Goodin, & T. Schillemans (Eds.),
The Oxford Handbook of Public Accountability (pp. 1-23). (Oxford Handbooks in political and international relations). The Oxford University Press. Meijer, A., de Hoog, J., van Twist, M., van der Steen, M., & Scherpenisse, J. (2014).
Understanding the dynamics of open data: From sweeping statements to complex contextual interactions. In M. Gascó-Hernández (Ed.),
Open Government: Opportunities and Challenges for Public Governance (pp. 101-114). (Public Administration and Information Technology; Vol. 4). Springer New York LLC. Meijer, A. J., & Torenvlied, R. (2014).
Social Media and the New Organization of Government Communications An Empirical Analysis of Twitter Usage by the Dutch Police.
American Review of Public Administration,
42(2), 143-161. Hillebrandt, M. Z., Curtin, D., & Meijer, A. (2014).
Transparency in the EU council of ministers: An institutional analysis.
European Law Journal,
20(1), 1-20. Meijer, A. J. (2014).
From Hero-Innovators to Distributed Heroism: An in-depth analysis of the role of individuals in public sector innovation.
Public Management Review,
16(2), 199-216. Vakpublicaties
Meijer, A., Lips, P., & Dijstelbloem, H. (2014). Wie is hier onredelijk!? De gespannen relatie tussen wetenschap, overheid en publiek in de vaccinatiecampagne tegen HPV. In Zes cases behorende bij het rapport 'Wetenschap als strijdtoneel. Publieke controversen rond wetenschap en beleid' (pp. 21-36). Rathenau Institute.
Meijer, A., & van Berlo, D. (2014). De Nieuwe Overheid. Boom Lemma.
Overige resultaten
Boon, W. P. C., Stolk, P., & Meijer, A. (2014). Off-label use of drugs as user innovation. Abstract from 2014 Eu-SPRI Conference Science and Innovation Policy: Dynamics, Challenges, Responsibility and Practice, Manchester (UK), Manchester, United Kingdom.
Meijer, A. (2014). Coproduction as the New Social Contract: A Theoretical Reflection Illustrated by the Case of Crime Control. Paper presented at Netherlands Institute for Governance, Delft, Netherlands.
Meijer, A. (2014). Smart Safety Governance: A Case Study of the City of Eindhoven. Paper presented at European Group for Public Administration, Speyer, Germany.
Douglas, S., & Meijer, A. (2014). Transparency and public value: Public utilities, information disclosure to stakeholders and organizational performance. Paper presented at IRSPM conference, Praag.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Meijer, A., Bannister, F., & Thaens, M. (2013). Introduction: ICT, public administration and democracy in the coming decade. In ICT, Public Administration and Democracy in the Coming Decade (pp. v-xi). IOS Press.
Meijer, A., Bannister, F., & Thaens, M. (2013). ICT, public administration and democracy in the coming decade. IOS Press.
Meijer, A., Boon, W., & Moors, E. (2013).
Stakeholder engagement in pharmaceutical regulation: Connecting technical expertise and lay knowledge in risk monitoring.
Public Administration,
91(3), 696-711. Meijer, A. J., Grimmelikhuijsen, S. G., Fictorie, D., Thaens, M., & Siep, P. (2013). Politie en sociale media: Van Hype naar onderbouwde keuzen. Reed Business.
Meijer, A. J., Bannister, F., & Thaens, M. (Eds.) (2013). ICT, Public Administration and Democracy in the Coming Decade. (1 ed.) (Innovation and the Public Sector; Vol. 20). IOS Press.
Meijer, A. J. (2013).
Local Meanings of Targeted Transparency: Understanding the Fuzzy Effects of Disclosure Systems.
Administrative Theory and Praxis,
35(3), 398-423. Meijer, A. J., & Thaens, M. (2013).
Social media strategies: Understanding the differences between North American police departments. Government Information Quarterly,
30(4), 343-350. Meijer, A. J. (2013).
The Do It Yourself State: The future of participatory democracy. In A. J. Meijer, F. Bannister, & M. Thaens (Eds.),
ICT, Public Administration and Democracy in the Coming Decade: Innovation and the Public Sector (pp. 93-104). IOS Press. Vakpublicaties
Meijer, A. J., Groen, S., & Kisteman, W. (2013). Vooronderzoek ten behoeve van het opstellen van een nieuw onderzoeksprogramma 'Handhaving en Gedrag'. USBO Advies.
Meijer, A. J., Brandsma, G. J., & Groenendaal, J. (2013). Burgernet Effectanalyse. In welke situaties en onder welke condities leidt Burgernet het vaakst tot succes? USBO Advies.
Populariserende publicaties
Meijer, A. J. (2013). Creëer ruimte voor innovatie. In M. Thaens, D. Meijer, L. Wijnants, & C. van den Burg (Eds.), Trends: De publieke sector innoveert. (pp. 26-31). PBLQ.
Meijer, A. J. (2013). Politie op Twitter. Amserfoortse Courant.
Overige resultaten
Meijer, A. J., & t Hart, P. (2013). Assessing Government Transparency: Towards a Golden Mean. Paper.. Paper presented at IRSPM conference, Praag.
Meijer, A. J. (2013). Coproducing Policy Evaluation. Designing an Evaluative System for European Capitals of Culture. Paper.. Paper presented at IRSPM conference, Praag.
Meijer, A. J. (2013). The History of Transparency. Analyzing the Long-term Socio-Political Construction of Transparency in the Netherlands.Paper.. Paper presented at International Conference on Transparency Research, HEC Paris at Jouy-en-Josas.
Meijer, A. J., Torenvlied, R., & Fictorie, D. (2013). Social Media and the Networked Organization. Twitter and Intra-Police Communications. Paper.. Paper presented at 11th Public Management Research Conference, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
Meijer, A. J., & Rodriguez-Bolivar, M. P. (2013). Governing the Smart City: Scaling-Up the Search for Socio-Techno Synergy. Paper.. Paper presented at Annual Conference of the European Group for Public Administration (EGPA), Edinburgh.
Grimmelikhuijsen, S. G., & Meijer, A. J. (2013). Social Media and Police Legitimacy. The Limited Positive Effect of Tweeting Police Success Stories. Paper.. Paper presented at Annual Conference of the European Group for Public Administration (EGPA), Edinburgh.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Meijer, A. J., Thaens, M., & Siep, P. (2012). Sociale media: wat kan en moet de politie ermee? In F. Vlek, & P. van Reenen (Eds.), Voer voor kwartiermakers. Wetenschappelijke kennis voor de inrichting van de Nationale Politie. (pp. 191-205). Politie & Wetenschap.
Meijer, A. J., Koops, B., Pieterson, W., Overman, S., & ten Tije, S. (2012).
Government 2.0: Key Challenges to Its Realization.
Electronic Journal for E-Government [E],
10(1), 55-69. Meijer, A. J., Grimmelikhuijsen, S. G., Fictorie, D., Thaens, M., & Siep, P. (2012). Politie & Sociale Media. Van hype naar onderbouwde keuzen. Onderzoek in opdracht van het programma Politie & Wetenschap. Universiteit Utrecht/Centre for Public Innovation.
Meijer, A. J., Curtin, D. M., & Hillebrandt, M. (2012).
Open government: connecting vision and voice. International Review of Administrative Sciences,
78(1), 10-29. Meijer, A. J., & van Berlo, D. (2012). Fluïde democratie: combineren van 'oude' en 'nieuwe' democratie. Bestuurswetenschappen, 66(6), 86-95.
Bos, A., Meijer, A. J., & Fictorie, D. (2012). The Utrecht approach: co-production in ECoC evaluation. Developing an innovative monitoring and evaluation method for impact assessment and learning. In L. I. Komlósi, & G. Pozsgai (Eds.), Ageing Society, Ageing Culture? Proceedings UNEECC Forum (pp. 158-173). UNECC.
de Hoog, J. R., van Twist, M., Meijer, A. J., van der Steen, A., & Scherpenisse, J. (2012). Open data, open gevolgen. NSOB.
Meijer, A. J., & van Berlo, D. (2012). Bring Your Own Device (BYOD): Professionals worden (weer) de eigenaar van de productiemiddelen. Bestuurswetenschappen, 66(4), 75-89.
Meijer, A. J., & de Mulder, R. (2012).
From Trias to Tetras Politica: The Need for Additional Checks and Balances. Illustrated by Immigration Law. In I. Snellen, M. Thaens, & W. van den Donk (Eds.),
Public Administration in the Information Age: Revisited (pp. 36-45). IOS Press. Scherpenisse, J., de Hoog, J., van Twist, M., Meijer, A. J., & van der Steen, A. (2012). Open data, open gevolgen. Kritische kanttekeningen bij de nieuwe 'goudkoorts'. In A. Plaat, G. van Os, & M. Noordegraaf (Eds.), Rijk met Wetenschap. Bestuur is informatie 2012. (pp. 159-176). Boom Lemma.
Meijer, A. J. (2012). Te compacte overheid is kostbaar: goed opdrachtgeverschap vergt in-house expertise. Bestuurswetenschappen, 66(1), 3-4.
Meijer, A. J., & van Berlo, D. (2012). Ambtenaren als innovatoren. OCMW Visies, 127(4), 23-26.
Meijer, A. J., Grimmelikhuijsen, S. G., Fictorie, D., & Bos, A. (2012). Politie en Twitter: coproductie en community policing in het informatietijdperk. USBO.
Meijer, A. J., & van Berlo, D. (2012). Big Data: overheidsbeleid in De Gekende Samenleving. Bestuurswetenschappen, 67(5/6), 163-178.
Overige resultaten
Meijer, A. J. (2012). Understanding the Complex Dynamics of Transparency. Paper. Paper presented at IRSPM. Panel 'Transparency and Accountability', Rome, Italy.
Bekkers, V., & Meijer, A. J. (2012). A Meta-Theory of E-Government. Paper. Paper presented at EGPA 2012. Permanent Studygroup on E-government, Bergen, Norway.
Meijer, A. J. (2012). Coproducing Policy Evaluation: A Design for Action Research. Paper. Paper presented at Seminar on Co-production: the State of the Art, Budapest.
Bos, A., Meijer, A. J., & Fictorie, D. (2012). The Utrecht Approach: Coproduction in ECoC Evaluation. Developing an Innovative Monitoring and Evaluation Methods for Impact Assessment and Learning. Paper. Paper presented at Conference 'The UNeECC coming of age', Maribor, Slovenia.
Meijer, A. J. (2012). Social Media and Police Innovation: Transformation of the Position of Community Police Officers. Paper.. Paper presented at The Regional IRSPM Conference Transforming Governance, Enhancing Innovation, Roskilde, Denmark.
Meijer, A. J. (2012). Understanding the Complex Dynamics of Transparency. Paper. Paper presented at Transatlantic Conference on Transparency Research, Utrecht.
Löfgren, K., & Meijer, A. J. (2012). Why Do Governments Not Copy Successful Technological Practices? A study of the transfer of a technology for citizen participation from the Netherlands to Denmark. Paper. Paper presented at EGPA 2012. Permanent Studygroup on E-government, Bergen, Norway.
Scherpenisse, J., de Hoog, J. R., van Twist, M., Meijer, A. J., & van der Steen, M. (2012). Open data, open gevolgen. Kritische kanttekeningen bij de nieuwe 'goudkoorts'. Paper. Paper presented at Conferentie Rijk met Wetenschap: Bestuur is Informatie, Tilburg.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Meijer, A. J. (2011). Informatiemanagement. In M. Noordegraaf, K. Geuijen, & A. Meijer (Eds.), Handboek Publiek Management (pp. 339-364). Boom Lemma.
Meijer, A. J., & van Berlo, D. (2011). Publieke sector als spel: van serious games naar gamification. Bestuurswetenschappen, 65(5), 83.
Meijer, A. J., & van Berlo, D. (2011). Meningsuiting door ambtenaren. Bestuurswetenschappen, 65(3), 77-83.
Meijer, A. J., & van Berlo, D. (2011). Netwerken van individuen:nieuwe samenwerking in het publieke domein. Bestuurswetenschappen, 65(4), 77-83.
Meijer, A. J. (2011). Maak van technologie geen orakel van Delphi. Betrouwbare (systeem)kennis in het migratiebeleid. In H. Dijstelbloem, & R. Hagendijk (Eds.), Onzekerheid troef. Het betwiste gezag van de wetenschap. (pp. 175-190). Van Gennep.
Meijer, A. J. (2011).
Networked Coproduction of Public Services in Virtual Communities: From a Government-Centric to a Community Approach to Public Service Support.
Public Administration Review,
71(4), 598-607. Meijer, A. J., & van Berlo, D. (2011). Het Nieuwe Werken binnen de overheid. Bestuurswetenschappen, 65(2), 79-83.
Noordegraaf, M., Geuijen, C. H. M., & Meijer, A. J. (2011). Handboek Publiek Management. Boom Lemma.
Geuijen, C. H. M., Noordegraaf, M., & Meijer, A. J. (2011). Handboek Publiek Management. Boom Lemma.
Geuijen, C. H. M., Noordegraaf, M., & Meijer, A. J. (2011). Conclusies: reflexief publiek management. In M. Noordegraaf, K. Geuijen, & A. Meijer (Eds.), Handboek Publiek Management (pp. 439-462). Boom Lemma.
Calenda, D.
, & Meijer, A. J. (2011).
Political Individualization. New media as an escape from family control over political behavior. Information, Communication & Society,
14(5), 660-683., H., & Meijer, A. J. (2011). Migration and the New Technological Borders of Europe. Palgrave Macmillan.
Meijer, A. J. (2011). Wat leert publiek management ons over samenwerking in de jeugdzorg. Jeugdbeleid, 5(1), 33-36.
Populariserende publicaties
Meijer, A. J. (2011). Noem ze ‘Marokkaanse Nederlanders’. Volkskrant, 23.
Overige resultaten
Grimmelikhuijsen, S. G., & Meijer, A. J. (2011). Towards a Specific Understanding of the Effect of Transparency and Trust.An experimental study into prior knowledge and general disposition to trust as moderating factors. Paper. Paper presented at 1st Global Conference on Transparency Research, Newark (NJ), Verenigde Staten.
Meijer, A. J. (2011). Leadership 2.0. A case study of citizen engagement, innovation and leadership in the Dutch police force. Paper. Paper presented at IRSPM-conference 2011, Dublin.
Meijer, A. J. (2011). The Future of Participatory Democracy. From Digital Athens to the ‘Do-It-Yourself State. Paper. Paper presented at EGPA 2011, Bucharest.
Meijer, A. J. (2011). Van klant naar coproducent. Sociale media en de dienstverlening van de Belastingdienst.. Paper presented at Presentatie voor de Belastingdienst, Utrecht.
Meijer, A. J., Thaens, M., Grimmelikhuijsen, S. G., Siep, P., & Fictorie, D. (2011). Research Project: Social Media and Police Performance. Paper. Paper presented at EGOV, Delft.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Bekkers, V., & Meijer, A. J. (2010). Cocreatie in de publieke sector. Een verkennend onderzoek naar nieuwe, digitale verbindingen tussen overheid en burger. Pp. 194. Boom Juridische Uitgevers.
Meijer, A. J., Brandsma, G. J., & Grimmelikhuijsen, S. G. (2010). Transparantie als fictieve verantwoording. Bestuurswetenschappen, 64(4), 8-27.
Populariserende publicaties
Meijer, A. J., Brandsma, G. J., & Grimmelikhuijsen, S. G. (2010). Overheid discussieert met burgers. Duidelijke voordelen om informatiesystemen overheid te koppelen aan Internetforums. Automatiseringsgids, 2010, 14-15.
Overige resultaten
Curtin, D. M., Meijer, A. J., Brandsma, G. J., & Leufgen, B. (2010). Openness and transparency: Navigating though a Conceptual Marsh. Paper. Paper presented at Conference 'Public Matters', 10 years of Utrecht School of Governance, Utrecht.
Meijer, A. J. (2010). Cocreating Safetey. Using New Media to Engage Citizens in the Production of Safety. Paper.. Paper presented at Annual Conference of the European Group for Public Administration, Toulouse.
Meijer, A. J., & Löfgren, K. (2010). Selling technology to the policy sciences. Marketing strategies for specialized scholars. Paper. Paper presented at Conference 'Internet, Politics, Policy 2010', Oxford.
Curtin, D. M., Brandsma, G. J., Leufgen, B., & Meijer, A. J. (2010). Studying Open Government in the European Union: From Normative Debates to Empirical Fact-Finding. Paper. Paper presented at ECPR Fifth Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, University of Porto and University Fernando Pessoa, Porto.
Meijer, A. J., Brandsma, G. J., & Grimmelikhuijsen, S. G. (2010). Self-Organizing Public Service Support. Coproduction in Digital Expat Communities in the Netherlands. Paper. Paper presented at IRSPM, Berne.
Boon, W. P. C., Moors, E. H. M., & Meijer, A. J. (2010). Ex-postdrug risk surveillance: Linking different epistemic cultures. Paper. Paper presented at Annual Conference of the European Association for the Study of Science and technology, Trento.
Meijer, A. J., Hillebrandt, M., Curtin, D. M., & Brandsma, G. J. (2010). Open Government: Connecting Discourses on Transparency and Participation. Paper. Paper presented at Public Matters: Anniversary Conference USG, Utrecht.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Meijer, A. J., & Homburg, V. (2009).
Disclosure and compliance: The 'pillory' as an innovative regulatory instrument.
Information Polity,
14(4), 279-294. Meijer, A. J., Boersma, K., & Wagenaar, P. (2009). Hypes: love them or hate them. In A. J. Meijer, K. Boersma, & P. Wagenaar (Eds.), ICTs, citizens and governance : after the hype! (pp. 3-9). (Innovation and the public sector; No. 14). IOS Press.
Meijer, A. J., Boersma, K., & Wagenaar, P. (2009). ICTs, citizens and governance : after the hype! (Innovation and the public sector ed.) IOS Press.
Dijstelbloem, H., & Meijer, A. J. (2009). Publieke aandacht voor een ongekende machine. In H. Dijstelbloem, & A. J. Meijer (Eds.), De migratiemachine : de rol van technologie in het migratiebeleid (pp. 229-253). (Kennis, openbare mening, politiek). Van Gennep.
Meijer, A. J. (2009). Complex responsibilities : An empirical analysis of responsibilities and technological complexity in Dutch immigration policies. Public Management Review, 11(6), 771-790.
Meijer, A. J. (2009). Understanding modern transparency. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 75(2), 255-269.
Meijer, A. J., & Schillemans, T. (2009). Fictional citizens and real effects: accountability to citizens in competitive and monopolistic markets. Public Administration and Management, 14(2), 254-291.
Meijer, A. J. (2009). Informatietechnologie en verantwoordelijkheid: een onbeheersbare migratiemachine. In H. Dijstelbloem, & A. J. Meijer (Eds.), De migratiemachine : de rol van technologie in het migratiebeleid (pp. 157-189). (Kennis, openbare mening, politiek). Van Gennep.
Meijer, A. J. (2009).
Does Transparency Lead to Better Education? The Effects in the Netherlands of Publishing School Performance Indicators on the Internet. In A. J. Meijer, K. Boersma, & P. Wagenaar (Eds.),
ICTs, Citizens and Governance : After the Hype! (pp. 38-49). (Innovation and the public sector; No. 14). IOS Press. Meijer, A. J., & Brom, F. W. A. (2009). Biotechnology and social learning: an empirical analysis of the Dutch Animal Biotechnology Act. Technology in Society, 31(1), 117-124.
Dijstelbloem, H., & Meijer, A. J. (2009). De migratiemachine : de rol van technologie in het migratiebeleid. (Kennis, openbare mening, politiek ed.) Van Gennep.
Boersma, K.
, Meijer, A. J., & Wagenaar, P. (2009).
Unraveling and understanding the e-government hype. In A. J. Meijer, K. Boersma, & P. Wagenaar (Eds.),
ICTs, citizens and governance : after the hype! (pp. 256-265). (Innovation and the public sector; No. 14). IOS Press., A. J., Grimmelikhuijsen, S. G., & Brandsma, G. J. (2009). Transparantie: Verbreedt en versterkt openbaarmaking de publieke verantwoording? In M. Bovens, & T. Schillemans (Eds.), Handboek publieke verantwoording (pp. 205-228). Lemma.
Calenda, D., & Meijer, A. J. (2009). Young people, the Internet and political participation : findings of a web survey in Italy, Spain and The Netherlands. Information, communication and society, 12(6), 879-898.
Grimmelikhuijsen, S. G., Werner, G. D. A., Meijer, A. J., & Brandsma, G. J. (2009). Diepteanalyse e-participatie voor expats. Een beoordeling van de kwaliteit en inhoud van fora voor expats in Nederland. Novay.
Meijer, A. J., & Thaens, M. (2009). Verantwoording en technologie: veel informatie en weinig debat. In H. van Duivenboden (Ed.), Verbonden verantwoordelijkheden in het publieke domein (pp. 83-112). Lemma.
Meijer, A. J., Thaens, M., & Brans, M. (2009). Barrières overwinnen voor Overheid 2.0. De automatisering gids, 47, 28-29.
Meijer, A. J., Burger, N., Malmberg, T., & van Hees, M. (2009). Integraal toezicht in de jeugdketen. Perspectief : informatie- en opinieblad voor de jeugdbescherming, 17(1), 10-13.
Populariserende publicaties
Meijer, A. J. (2009). Maatwerk bij vernieuwen onderwijs : liever intelligente scholen dan wetenschappelijk bepaalde methoden die moeten opgaan voor alle situaties. Financieel Dagblad, 9-9.
Meijer, A. J., & Dijstelbloem, H. (2009). Laat migratiebeleid geen proeftuin worden voor nieuwe technologie. Volkskrant, 8-8.
Meijer, A. J., & Thaens, M. (2009). Alignment 2.0 : Strategic Use of New Internet Technologies in Government. Paper. Paper presented at 5TAD : The Future of Governance in Europe and the U.S., Washington, D.C..
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Meijer, A., & Bannister, F. (2008).
Interpreting the 'Culture Variable' in the Study of Informatization in Public Administration. Selected papers from the 2007 conference of the European Group of Public Administration.
Information Polity,
13(3-4), 191-193. Meijer, A. J. (2008). Openbaarmaking van handhavingsinformatie. Leren van de ervaringen van Deense en Limburgse toezichthouders. Boom Juridische Uitgevers.
Calenda, D., & Meijer, A. J. (2008). Digital encounters and 'easy' politics. Results of a web survey among young people in three European countries. In T. Hayhtio, & J. Rinne (Eds.), Net Working/Networking. Citizen Initiated Internet Politics (pp. 205-223). Tampere University Press.
Meijer, A. J. (2008). E-mail in government: Not post-bureaucratic but late-bureaucratic organizations. Government Information Quarterly, 25(3), 429-447.
Brandsma, G. J., Curtin, D. M., & Meijer, A. J. (2008). How transparent are EU 'comitology' committees in practice? In Meaning and Practice of Accountability in the EU Multi-Level Context Connex.
Meijer, A. J., & Homburg, V. M. F. (2008). Introduction: Zooming In and zooming out on e-government. International Journal of Public Administration, 31(7), 707-710.
Brandsma, G. J., Curtin, D. M., & Meijer, A. J. (2008). How transparent are EU 'comitology' committees in practice? European Law Journal, 14(6), 819-838.
Michels, A. M. B., & Meijer, A. J. (2008). Safeguarding public accountability in horizontal government. Public Management Review, 10(2), 165-173.
Meijer, A. J., & Homburg, V. (2008). Op weg naar Toezicht 2.0. Boom Juridische Uitgever.
Overige resultaten
Meijer, A. J., & Thaens, M. (2008). What should government agencies do with information that is relevant for citizens? Paper. Paper presented at DGO 2008, Montreal.
Meijer, A. J., & Homburg, V. (2008). Enforcement 2.0. Disclosure as an innovation in the governance of societal risks. Paper. Paper presented at EGPA Conference, Rotterdam.
Meijer, A. J., Burger, N., & Ebbers, W. (2008). Citizens4Citizens. Mapping participatory practices on the Internet. Paper. Paper presented at Politics 2.0: An International Conference., University of London.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Meijer, A. J. (2007). CC'tje naar de baas. E-mail en verandering in ambtelijke organisaties. Openbaar Bestuur, 8, 6-9.
Meijer, A. J. (2007). Does Transparency lead to more Compliance? European Food and Feed Law Review, 2(5), 264-269.
Meijer, A. J. (2007). Digitization and political accountability in the Netherlands and the USA: convergence or reproduction of differences? In Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on e-Government Academic Conferences Limited.
Meijer, A. J., Brom, F.
, Pikker, G. K., & van der Spek, M. (2007).
Leren over biotechnologie. Besluit biotechnologie bij dieren als arrangement voor maatschappelijk leren. B en M : tijdschrift voor beleid, politiek en maatschappij,
34(3), 155-167. Noordegraaf, M., & Meijer, A. J. (2007). Behoorlijke dienstverlening. Organiseren van interfaces tussen publieke dienstverleners en cliënten. In Werken aan behoorlijkheid. De Nationale ombudsman in zijn context. (pp. 67-90). Boom Juridische Uitgevers.
Meijer, A. J. (2007). Publishing public performance results on the Internet. Do stakeholders use the Internet to hold Dutch public service organizations to account? Government Information Quarterly, 24(1), 165-185.
Meijer, A. J. (2007). Why don't they listen to us? Reasserting the role of ICT in Public Administration. Information Polity, 12, 233-242.
Meijer, A. J. (2007). Holding e-Government to Account. Renovating old Forms of Public Accountability and Creating New Ones. In D. Griffin, P. Trevorrow, & E. Halpin (Eds.), Developments in e-Government. A Critical Analysis. (pp. 101-111). IOS Press.
Meijer, A. J., Homburg, V., & Bekkers, V. (2007). Toezicht 2.0 Onderzoek naar toezicht, transparantie, burgers en compliance. Alliantie ICT en Vitaal Bestuur.
Meijer, A. J. (2007). Een stimulans om beter te presteren. De invloed van openbare informatie. Meso Magazine. Tijdschrift voor schoolorganisatie en onderwijsmanagement, 27(155), 27-29.
Meijer, A. J., & van den Broek, T. (2007). Digitale duurzaamheid: Spanning tussen ministeries en Nationaal Archief. Automatiseringsgids, 41(36), 15.
Populariserende publicaties
Meijer, A. J. (2007). Student van nu is ook erg goed in dingen. De Volkskrant, 12.
Overige resultaten
Meijer, A. J. (2007). Understanding Mediated Transparency. Using cultural sociology and media theory to understand the new transparency in the public sector. Paper.. Paper presented at Paper presented at EGPA Conference, Madrid, Spain.
Brandsma, G. J., Curtin, D. M., & Meijer, A. J. (2007). How transparant are the EU Comitology Committees? Paper. Paper presented at Politicologenetmaal, Leuven.
Meijer, A. J. (2007). Understanding Mediated Transparency. The new transparency in the public sector from a modern and postmodern perspective. Paper. Paper presented at Presented at NIG meeting, Tilburg, Netherlands.
Meijer, A. J. (2007). Publishing Performance Indicators on the Internet. Presentation. Paper presented at Presentation at 'Joint ESRC/NIG Workshop on Performance Measurement, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Brandsma, G. J., Curtin, D. M., & Meijer, A. J. (2007). How transparant are EU Comitogy Committees. Paper presented at CONNEX-Network, Florence.
Meijer, A. J., & Calenda, D. (2007). Young people use the Internet for both traditional and 'new' politics. An empirical analysis based on a web survey in Italy, Spain and the Netherlands.. Paper presented at Paper presented at ICS Symposium, Florence, Italy.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Meijer, A. J. (2006). Benut de intelligentie van de organisatie. Inrichten van e-mail voorzieningen vraagt inzicht in bestaande praktijken. Overheidsdocumentatie, 60(11), 4-7.
Meijer, A. J., & Zouridis, S. (2006). E-Government is an Institutional Innovation. In Information and Communication technology and Public Innovation, Assesing the ICT-Driven Modernization of Public Administration (pp. 221-229). IOS Press.
Meijer, A. J. (2006). CC'tje naar de baas. E-mail en verandering in ambtelijke organisaties. Boom Juridische Uitgevers.
Meijer, A. J. (2006). The Paradox of Choice. Why More is Less. Virtueel Bestuur, 7.
Curtin, D. M., & Meijer, A. J. (2006). Does transparancy strengthen legitimacy? Information Polity, 11(2), 109-122.
Meijer, A. J. (2006). Concurreren, leren en benchmarken. Eindrapportage van de deelevaluatie van informatie van Onderwijsinspectie op Internet: effecten op gedrag en besluiten van schoolbesturen, directies en docenten. Ministerie van Onderwijs.
Meijer, A. J. (2006). ICT's and Stakeholder Accountability. The use of transparancy through the Internet as a policy instrument in education and healthcare in Massachusetts. Unknown Publisher.
Calenda, D., Meijer, A. J., & Barba, D. (2006). European Survey on Internet and society: Students and the Internet. University of Florence, Utrecht School of Government, Autonomous University of Barcelona.
Meijer, A. J. (2006). ICT's and Political Accountability. an Assessment of the Impact of Digitization in Government on Political Accountability in Connecticut, Massachusetts and New York State. Unknown Publisher.
Overige resultaten
Meijer, A. J. (2006). Why don't they listen to us? Reasserting the role of technology in Public Administration.. Paper presented at the Annual EGPA Conference Milan, Permanent Study Group Informatization in Public Administration, Milaan.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Meijer, A. J. (2005). Transparent government inspections: Using the internet to strengthen civic competence. In Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on e-Government, ECEG 2005 (pp. 267-275). (Proceedings of the European Conference on e-Government, ECEG).
Meijer, A. J. (2005). Vreemde ogen dwingen, maatschappelijke controle in de publieke sector. Bestuurskunde, 14(1), 25-31.
Meijer, A. J. (2005). Parlementaire en juridische controle van de elektronische overheid. In M. Lips, V. Bekkers, & A. Zuurmond (Eds.), ICT en Openbaar bestuur. Implicaties en uitdagingen van technologische toepassingen voor de overheid (pp. 549-566). Lemma.
Meijer, A. J., & Bovens, M. A. P. (2005). Public Accountability in the Information Age. In V.Bekkers & V. Homburg (Ed.), The Information Ecology of E-Government. E-Government as Institutional and Technological Innovationa in Public Administration (pp. 171-182). IOS Press.
Meijer, A. J. (2005). Risks maps on the Internet: Transparancy and the management of risks. Information Polity, 10(1/2), 105-113.
Meijer, A. J. (2005). Public eyes: Direct Accountability in an information age. First Monday, 10(4).
Meijer, A. J. (2005). M.M.Groothuis:Bespreken en digitaliseren, over normering van de elektronische overheid. Computerrecht, 4, 243-244.
Meijer, A. J., Brandsen, T., & van Montfort, C. (2005). De dubbele helix van publieke rekenschap. Bestuurskunde, 14(1), 3-8.
Meijer, A. J. (2005). Tekort of overdaad? Publieke verantwoording in het informatietijdperk. In W. Bakker, & K. Yesilkagit (Eds.), Publieke verantwoording (pp. 56-70). Boom.
Meijer, A. J. (2005). Netwerken in de schaduw van de hiërarchie. Rapport over het gebruik van e-mail binnen de overheid en de effecten hiervan op de organisatie en de werkbelving van ambtenaren. Universiteit Utrecht.
Meijer, A. J., Pikker, G. K., Schiffelers, M. J., & van der Spek, A. M. J. (2005). Evaluatie van het Besluit Biotechnologie bij Dieren. Rapport voor het Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit. USBO.
Meijer, A. J. (2005). Voorzitter Sessie 'Knowledge Society. Paper presented at NIG Annual Conference, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.
Meijer, A. J. (2005). Voorzitter Ronde Tafel over 'Digitaal overzicht en Communicatie'. Paper presented at VIDE-Congres, Utrecht.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Van den Ende, J., Wijanberg, N.
, & Meijer, A. (2004).
The Influence of Dutch and EU Government Policies on Philips' Information Technology Product Strategy. In
Information Technology Policy: An International History Oxford University Press., A. J. (2004). Vreemde ogen dwingen. De betekenis van internet voor maatschappelijke controle in de publieke sector. Boom Juridische Uitgevers.
Meijer, A. J., & Loos, E. F. (2004). E-mail in een middelgrote Nederlandse gemeente. Gebruik van e-mail door medewerkers van de Bestuursdienst. Onderzoeksrapport in opdracht van het Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijks-relaties in het kader van de Alliantie ICT & Vitaal Bestuur. USBO.
Meijer, A. J., & Zouridis, S. (2004). G-Govenrment as institutional transformation. Innovations through Informationa Technology. In M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Innovations through Information Technology (pp. 565-568). Idea Group.
Populariserende publicaties
Meijer, A. J. (2004). Burgers zijn niet geinteresseerd in transparante publieke organisaties. Overheid Facilitair, 6(10), 27-29.
Overige resultaten
Meijer, A. J. (2004). E-mail in Government: networks in the shadow of hierarchy. Paper presented at NIG conference, Rotterdam.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Michels, A. M. B., & Meijer, A. J. (2003). Horizontalisering van bestuur: een vraag om nieuwe vormen van publieke verantwoording. Bestuurswetenschappen, 57(4), 329-347.
Meijer, A. J. (2003). De doorzichtige overheid. Parlementaire en juridische controle in het informatietijdperk. Bestuurskunde, 12(5), 220-229.
Noordegraaf, M., & Meijer, A. J. (2003). De maatschappelijke inbedding van de communicatietechnologie. Openbaar Bestuur, 13(4), 28-32.
Meijer, A. J. (2003). Expertraadpleging via e-mail. KWALON, 8(3), 17-20.
Bisschop, P. H., de Sain - van der Velden, M. G. M., Stellaard, F., Kuipers, F., Meijer, A. J., Sauerwein, H. P., & Romijn, J. A. (2003). Dietary carbohydrate deprivation increases 24-hour nitrogen excretion without affecting postabsorptive hepatic or whole body protein metabolism in healthy men. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 88(8), 3801-3805.
Meijer, A. J. (2003). Geen angst voor openbaarheid. E-zine Rekenschap, 5(10).
Meijer, A. J. (2003). Digitale overheid is beter te controleren. Automatiseringsgids, 37(4), 15-15.
Meijer, A. J. (2003). Internet vereist een mediamix. Burger@overheid.
Meijer, A. J. (2003). Hoe zorgen we voor een controleerbare digitale overheid? Overheidsdocumentatie, 57(7/8), 243-249.
Meijer, A. J. (2003). Democratische controle in het informatietijdperk. Management in overheidsorganisaties, (40), 1-10.
Overige resultaten
Meijer, A. J., & Bovens, M. A. P. (2003). Public accountability in the information age.. Paper presented at E-government workshop of JURIX 2003, Amsterdam.
Meijer, A. J. (2003). Wiring Weber's Iron Cage? divergent Patterns of Informatization and Accountability in Government Bureaucracies.. Paper presented at IRMA Conference, Philadelphia.
Meijer, A. J., & Bovens, M. A. P. (2003). Public accountability of e-government.. Paper presented at EGPA Annual Conference, Milan.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Van Den Ende, J., Wijnberg, N.
, & Meijer, A. (2001).
Public policy and innovative capabilities: The case of philips' IT activities.
Technology Analysis and Strategic Management,
13(3), 389-405. Meijer, A. (2001).
Accountability in an information age: Opportunities and risks for records management.
Archival Science,
1(4), 361-372.