In the Botanic Gardens, plants are grown for various practicums, especially for practicums on biodiversity and evolutionary theory for bachelor students of the Department of Biology but also for other departments of Utrecht University.
Plants play a central role in acquiring skills such as the identification of species, genera and families or the 'translation' of fossils into contemporary plant groups. They are also important for the acquisition of skills in laboratory experiments on the growth, flowering and life cycles of plants. Besides growing plants, students from other departments and institutes also visit us for education, for example through excursions and/or guided tours.
Our staff, including the curators, are actively involved in various academic courses on ecology, evolution and taxonomy, both for the Department of Biology as well as outside Utrecht University. In addition, our Gardens play an important role as a living lab for courses of various disciplines such as Pharmaceutical Sciences and Geosciences, but also for BSc and MSc projects. At the moment we are busy creating an overview of all possible education projects in the Botanic Gardens and helping to set up new courses in the curriculum of the Department of Biology. More about that will follow soon!