Yes, I will donate a bench

The donation can be made all at once or spread over several annual donations. Please contact us to discuss the possibilities.

Regular donation which is tax-deductable
The donation can be made all at once or divided into several annual donations. When donating over a five-year period, the donation is deductible from income tax as a regular donation. You can read more about it here.

Together we realised a personal and tangible place in the Botanical Gardens, with all the guests we raised the amount in no time

A bench as a tangible reminder
Gift a bench together as a tangible memory? With the contributions of many, the donation amount is sometimes quickly raised.

Want to know more?
Check the Frequently Asked Questions.

Want to adopt a bench?
Please contact Floor Peeters via or +31 6 53 27 98 58. Then, together, we will make sure it is taken care of properly.

Yes, I want to adopt a bench