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Visitors Centre: +31(0)30 253 1890
Available from 1 March to 1 December from 09.00 to 16.00h

Office: +31(0)30 253 1826
Available on weekdays from 09.00 to 16.00h

Email addresses

Communication / Press:

Visiting Address

Budapestlaan 17, 3584 CD Utrecht

Postal address

P.O. Box 80162, 3508 TD Utrecht

Supplier Address

Harvardlaan 10, 3584 CV Utrecht

Garden Café Botanica

Restaurant: +31(0)30 253 1905
Available daily from 1 March to 1 December from 10.00 to 16.00h
Catering: +31(0)6 5353 8003
Email :
Website :