Two versions of the reference management tool Refworks are available at the moment.
Do you want to use RefWorks for a new project? Then use RefWorks 3 (ProQuest/RefWorks) instead. This version will be kept up-to-date.
ATTENTION: do NOT use the same password for this new account as for a previous one. If you do this, your database will automatically be converted to RefWorks 3; this can cause problems when you are still working on documents that are linked to that database.
Do you have a RefWorks account and are you using it for a work in progress? Then we recommend you keep using this account to finish your document. The distributor has said that the program will stay available until at least the end of 2019. And as long as the tool exists the university librray will support its use.
Alternatives for RefWorks
Are you thinking about getting started with literature management and not sure which tool is the best for you – RefWorks, EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero, Papers, …? – then please read the LibGuide on reference management; It will give you the main differences between the most important reference management tools.
If you have more general questions about literature management, please send us an email.