Prof. dr. ir. Vincent Buskens

Sjoerd Groenmangebouw
Padualaan 14
Kamer C2.32
3584 CH Utrecht

Prof. dr. ir. Vincent Buskens

Bachelor Director
+31 30 253 1848

Vincent Buskens is Professor of Theoretical Sociology at Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences of Utrecht University since May 1, 2011. At February 13, 2014, he gave his inaugural lecture titled "Cooperation in context: Experimental sociology 2.0." Buskens leads the research line Cooperation in social and economic relations at the Department of Sociology and he is a member of the national research school ICS. His most prominent research focuses on the various forms of cooperation within our society. More specific, he researches the impact of social networks on cooperation. Some networks facilitate cooperation better than others. Buskens tries to explain what exactly makes that one network shows itself more suitable than the other. 

Theoretical Sociology