YOUth Publications

YOUth Cohort Profile Paper
The YOUth study: Rationale, design, and study procedures
Onland-Moret N.C., Buizer-Voskamp J.E., Albers M.E.W.A., Brouwer R.M., Buimer E.E.L., Hessels R.S., de Heus R., Huijding J., Junge C.M.M., Mandl R.C.W., Pas P., Vink M., van der Wal J.J.M., Hulshoff Pol H.E., Kemner C.
Papers based on YOUth data
Adverse childhood experiences and fronto-subcortical structures in the developing brain
Buimer E.L., Brouwer R.M., Mandl R.C.W., Pas P., Schnack H.G., Hulshoff Pol H.E.
Infants’ behaviours elicit different verbal, nonverbal, and multimodal responses from caregivers during early play
Klis, van der, A., Adriaans, F., Kager, R.
The direct and indirect effects of parenting behaviors and functional brain network efficiency on self-regulation from infancy to early childhood: A longitudinal mediation model
Hofstee, M., Velde, van der B, Huijding, J., Endendijk, J., Kemner, C., Dekovic, M.
The emergence of a theta social brain network during infancy
Velde, van B., White, T., Kemner, C.
De-identification procedures for magnetic resonance images and the impact on structural brain measures at different ages
Buimer, E.E.L., Schnack, H.G., Caspi, Y, van Haren, N.E.M., Milchenko, M., Pas, P, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, Hulshoff Pol, H.E., Brouwer, R.M. (2021).
Gaze and speech behavior in parent–child interactions: The role of conflict and cooperation
Holleman, G. A., Hooge, I. T., Huijding, J., Deković, M., Kemner, C., & Hessels, R. S.
Charting development of ERP components on face-categorization: Results from a large longitudinal sample of infants
Di Lorenzo R., van den Boomen C., Kemner C., Junge C.
Self-regulation in the pre-adolescent brain
Pas P, Hulshoff H.E., Raemaekers M, Vink M
Exploring emotional face processing in 5-month-olds: The relation with quality of parent–child interaction and spatial frequencies
van den Boomen C., Munsters C.M., Deković M, Kemner C.
Limiting data loss in infant EEG: putting hunches to the test
van der Velde B., Junge C.
Eye tracking in developmental cognitive neuroscience – The good, the bad and the ugly
Hessels R.S., Hooge I.T.C.
The YOUth cohort study: MRI protocol and test-retest reliability in adults
Buimer E.E.L., Pas P., Brouwer R.M., Froeling M., Hoogduin H., Leemans A., Luijten P., van Nierop B.J., Raemaekers M., Schnack H.G., Teeuw J., Vink M., Visser F., Hulshoff Pol H.E., Mandl R.C.W.
The YOUth study: Rationale, design, and study procedures
Onland-Moret N.C., Buizer-Voskamp J.E., Albers M.E.W.A., Brouwer R.M., Buimer E.E.L., Hessels R.S., de Heus R., Huijding J., Junge C.M.M., Mandl R.C.W., Pas P., Vink M., van der Wal J.J.M., Hulshoff Pol H.E., Kemner C.
Towards an integrated account of the development of self-regulation from a neurocognitive perspective: A framework for current and future longitudinal multi-modal investigations
Vink M., Gladwin T.E., Geeraerts S., Pas P., Bos D., Hofstee M., Durston S., Vollebergh W.
FAIR, safe and high-quality data: The data infrastructure and accessibility of the YOUth cohort study
Zondergeld J.J., Scholten R.H.H., Vreede B.M.I., Hessels R.S., Pijl A.G., Buizer-Voskamo J.E., Rasch M., Lange O.A., Veldkamp C.L.S.
The building blocks of social comptence: Contributions of the Consortium of Individual Development
Junge C, Valkenburg P.M., Dekovic M., Branje, S
Testing sampling bias in estimates of adolescent social competence and behavioral control
Fakkel T., Peeters M., Lugtig P. Zondervan-Zwijnenburg M.A.J., Blok E., White T., van der Meulen M., Kevenaar S.T., Willemsen G., Bartels M. Boomsma D.I., Schmengler H., Branje S., Vollebergh W.A.M.
Individual differences in visual attention and self-regulation: A multimethod longitudinal study from infancy to toddlerhood.
Geeraerts, S. B., Hessels R. S., Van der Stigchel, S., Huijding, J., Endendijk, J. J., Van den Boomen, C., Kemner, C., Deković, M.
Consequences of Eye Color, Positioning, and Head Movement for Eye‐Tracking Data Quality in Infant Research. Infancy
Hessels, R. S., Andersson, R. , Hooge, I. T., Nyström, M., Kemner, C.
Privacy in Big Data psychiatric and behavioural research: A multiple-case study. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry
Mostert M., Koomen B.M., van Delden, J.J.M., Bredenoord, A.L.
Intra‐ and interobserver agreement for fetal cerebral measurements in 3D‐ultrasonography. Hum Brain Mapp
Albers M.E.W.A., Buisman E.T.I.A., Kahn R.S., Franx A., Onland‐Moret N.C., de Heus R.