YOUth is a large scale, longitudinal cohort following nearly 4,000 Dutch children in their development from pregnancy until early adulthood. We focus on neurocognitive development involved in two core characteristics of behavioural development: social competence and behavioural control. 

YOUth encourages and facilitates extensive and appropriate use of its data by bona fide research organisations and bona fide researchers. Our data are available for GDPR-compliant use in research through safe, managed access. Requesting data is simple: submit your proposal and select the data you request with just a few clicks via our online data request system. The YOUth data are provisionally free of charge.

Interactive prospectus of all YOUth data

A detailed overview of all the data collected within the YOUth Cohort Study is visualized in an interactive prospectus. The graphs in this prospective show the number of participants per experiment (ordered by cohort and participant type) and gets updated periodically.


For more information about the YOUth cohort contact us at Principal investigater of the YOUth cohort is  Prof. Dr. Chantal Kemner

In language acquisition research, we typically work with relatively small samples. Collecting data of a sample the size of an average school class is already time-consuming for one PhD student. Larger samples including a wide variety of children, like the sample of YOUth, provide more reliable results. This allows us to examine even the smallest individual differences across children

  • News

    • Slimmed-down YOUth study gearing up for relaunch

      The YOUth survey will be followed up. There will be a modest questionnaire survey. Neuroscientist Elise Turk is the new executive director and talks about how YOUth is doing.
    • Wanting to know how people become the way they are

      Psychologist Chantal Kemner is scientific director of the Consortium on Individual Development. For the past decade, she and her colleagues have been committed to collecting all the important puzzle pieces of child development. . In this interview she ooks back on the pitfalls and triumphs we've encountered by pioneering a Gravitation grant for this subject, and the great things that have been achieved scientifically by working together on such a large scale.

    • Brain to byte

      Anyone entering YOUth does not immediately think: ‘This is a real data factory’. It is more reminiscent of a day-care centre than a scientific institution producing gigabytes of research data.
    • This is amazing!

      YOUth on tour with the following mission: to inform academics who are doing research on the brain and behavioural development of children of the possibilities of YOUth data.
    • Dutch Data Prize for YOUth study

      The YOUth team has managed to make highly sensitive data on children securely accessible to other researchers.