Common problems when accessing Yoda through the Network Disk 

I cannot access Yoda through the Network Disk anymore

Check if you logged in with your full email address (not your username) and your Data Access Password. If that was not the issue, check whether your Data Access Password (DAP) is still valid. The DAP has a limited validity, usually up to one month. Afterwards, you need to create a new one. If you still cannot log in, contact your data manager

The security settings of my laptop prevent me from installing any new applications. Can I still configure Yoda as a Network Disk?

Instead of the Network Disk, we recommend using the web portal or command line tools like iBridges or iCommands to upload files. If those do not work sufficiently, this is what you could do:

  • If you use Windows, you can use the native WebDAV client to connect to the Yoda Network Disk as a temporary workaround;

  • For the installation of WinSCP on your hard drive, you need local rights. Please contact the service desk of your IT department to arrange this.

I get an error message ‘The file size exceeds the limit allowed and cannot be saved’ when uploading a file. What should I do?

This error message appears when there is a limitation of the Windows native WebDAV client. By default, Windows allows file uploads of up to 50 MB via WebDAV. We recommend using Cyberduck, WinSCP or iBridges to upload files to Yoda instead. 

My data is not visible in Yoda as a Network Disk, how can I fix this?

  • Make sure you are connected to Yoda and the right environment within Yoda. On this page you will find the correct URL for your specific Yoda instance. 
  • In Windows, when clicking on your Yoda Network Disk, it will take a few seconds. to load the sign-in window; be patient until this window pops-up. 
  • Check the Yoda web portal to see if the data is visible within the web portal. If so, then there is a Network Disk issue. Restart your computer to see if the Network Disk correctly connects to Yoda. If restarting does not solve it, disconnect the Yoda Network Disk (right-click on the disk and select ‘disconnect’), restart the computer, and follow the steps again to connect Yoda as a Network Disk. 

If none of the above solved the problem, please contact your local support team for assistance in retrieving your data.