Implementing custom metadata or license

Every Yoda environment comes with a standard metadata form that is discipline-agnostic. If you need a different metadata form specifically tuned towards a research discipline, or if specific standards for the research discipline already exist, you can request that a different metadata form be loaded into Yoda.

Please first discuss your wishes with respect you the metadata form with your instance data manager. Together with them, you can formulate a compliant metadata form and request for the new metadata form to be loaded for your category or research group. All currently available metadata schemas can be found on

Implementing a custom license

Within the metadata form, there are several licenses to choose from, such as different types of Creative Commons licenses or a Open Data Commons license.

If the listed licenses are not suitable for your data package, or if you publish your data package under Restricted or Closed Access, you can (or should) create a custom license instead. When Custom is chosen, a License.txt file must be uploaded into the main folder of the data package. The custom license must provide information about: 

  • Access conditions: how can access can be requested? What does the requester need to do or deliver before gaining access? At the very least, provide a contact point in the data package description. 
  • Usage conditions:
    • Permissions: who can reuse the data and for which purposes (research, education, commercial)?
    • Obligations: for example, are there requirements related to data security?
    • Prohibitions: for example, are there restrictions to sharing the data further?