The global picture

Changing pressures on deltas

By developing and using scenarios of biophysical change and socio-economic development, researchers at the Water, Climate and Future Deltas hub improve the understanding of delta systems and their drivers to identify which impact these drivers may have on deltas and their adaptation strategies in the future, e.g. as land area changes and limits management options. 


Deltas are currently facing multiple challenges. These are driven by temperature and precipitation change, population growth and urbanisation, sea-level rise, land subsidence, changing river discharge and sediment delivery. 


As a result of these biophysical drivers, delta land area is projected to change in the future, and through the current socio-economic developments deltas may reach a locked-in state. 

The Water, Climate and Future Deltas hub explores how human and climate drivers may develop in the future and assesses their potential impact on deltas worldwide.

Major deltas of the world
Case studies
Future challenges
Interdisciplinary research group