Discover the various transdisciplinary research projects of Utrecht University on water, climate and sustainable delta development.
Living on Soft Soils (LOSS)
National consortium research making the Netherlands future proof against continued land subsidence and sinking of subsoil.
Dutch Diamonds in the Delta
Investigating pathways towards more inclusive and sustainable water planning in deltas in the global South.
Living Polders
Dynamic polder management for sustainable livelihoods in Bangladesh.
Implementating new risk standards in the Dutch flood protection programme.
Solution space for the Mekong delta
Demonstrating the development of solution space for mitigation and adaptation measures for the Mekong delta. This solution space is shaped by constraints and opportunities in terms of a.o. biophysical, legal, institutional, social and economic dimensions relating to the specific measures.
Dealing with Drought in Deltas
The aim of the project is the development of an assessment framework for conducting comparative research on water scarcity governance in delta areas.
Ecological restoration of coastal dunes
Maximising combined nature and coastal protection goals in a changing climate.
Land subsidence in the Vietnamese Mekong delta
Working with Vietnamese and Dutch researchers and policy-makers on a resilient and sustainable delta.
Involving citizens in designing integrated pathways for climate resilient & sustainable cities
Cities in urbanising deltas face numerous challenges at once: adapting to the impacts of climate change, improving sustainability and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, soil subsidence, urban renewal, increasing housing demand and goals, unemployment and other economic challenges, and a need for more social cohesion.
Linking the impacts of changes in climate and biodiversity on Delta grasslands’ vegetation and functioning across scales
Climate change and biodiversity loss will affect the ecosystem services that are necessary for human wellbeing. Unfortunately, most current knowledge on the effect of climate change and biodiversity loss on ecosystem services is based on local and small-scale studies.
Monitoring Dynamic Mangrove Systems in Suriname and Indonesia using Planet Lab Satellite Images and the Historic Satellite Data Archive (Google Earth Engine)
Mangrove ecosystems play a key role in protecting deltas and low-lying coasts against storms, waves and sea-level rise and mangroves create habitats for fish, birds, benthos and are a carbon sink.
From the high mountains to the deltas
In this project, we performed a first assessment of the impacts of the hydrological pathway of meltwater from the glacier snouts to the ocean in the Indus Basin.
Sedimentation enhancing strategies for river deltas: an interdisciplinary perspective
Sedimentation changes are one of the key issues faced by deltas around the world. Levees prevent sedimentation on delta plains, making them more vulnerable to sea-level rise. Accordingly, strategies to enhance sedimentation are crucial to maintain deltas and keep their populations safe.
Human costs of shrinking deltas: Adaptation pathways of vulnerable groups to sea-level rise in three Asian deltas
This research project studied the adaptation pathways to sea-level rise, land subsidence and other climate stressors, which vulnerable residents created or are part of, in deltas or coastal regions in three countries in Asia.
Constructing a global hydrogeological database and a model builder framework for coastal salinity and subsidence modelling
With this project we create a framework that provides a wide range of potential users with tools to quickly set up coastal groundwater flow models using the SEAWAT code.
Studying the consequences of recent interventions on the Dutch river system.
Interactive exploration of fluvial futures
Creating interactive notebooks for the exploration of the effects of terraforming measures along the Waal river.
Drowned Deltas
Identifying new opportunities for future sustainable drowned deltas.
Feasibility of nature-based adaptation in deltas
Assessing the feasibility of nature-based adaptation in the contrasting Rhine and Mekong deltas.
Flood resilience of private properties (FLOODPREP)
Discussing how to address homeowners to better stimulate property-level flood protection measures.
Sustainability and resilience of future river deltas
Analysing future socio-economic and environmental scenarios in deltas to identify challenges and potential tipping points.
Hydrological modelling of lakes and reservoirs
Developing the global hydrological models PCR-GLOBWB and IMAGE-GNM.
Global drivers, future deltas
Exploring future population and land use change in the Rhine and Mekong deltas.
Innovative approaches to sustainable and inclusive food systems in Asian deltas
Developing transition pathways towards a sustainable food production and associated delta management.
Political and social awareness on water environmental challenges (POWER)
Developing digital social platforms in order to optimise urban water management.
Designing governance strategies towards more flood resilience in European urban areas.