Movies & Science: Benefit of the doubt
Movies & Science is a collaboration between Studium Generale and Utrecht Young Academy. The first series took place in the Utrecht movie theatre ’t Hoogt, were three UYA-members introduced a film in the light of different topics. After the first series of Movies and Science were completed, the Utrecht Young Academy and the Studium Generale decided to make a tradition of the event and enrich the collaboration.
The first series
In the autumn of 2017, Studium Generale and the Utrecht Young Academy together organised a series of Movies & Science on the meaning of doubt: ‘Benefit of the doubt’. We like to think that we value truth in science, in court and in other parts of life. Yet what looks authentic, could be false. What happens when reality conflicts with your dearest beliefs and values? Three movies about the struggle for truth and the comfort of being fooled were shown. A blog has been written on every movie and discussion.