After the Fall of the Wall
Together with Studium Generale, the Utrecht Young Academy organised a lecture series about the legacy of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

2019 marks 30 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall; an iconic event that brought great optimism with it. It gave rise to perspectives of a world without borders; liberal and prosperous. However, things did not exactly take this course. Free market policies led to great social inequalities and democratic values were pressured around the globe. Which promises of the end of the Cold War have been fulfilled?
Over the course of four lectures, academics from the Netherlands and abroad discuss what has happened since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. Topics such as the increase in border barriers, the rise of neoliberalism, and the attack on democracy will be covered. How did these contemporary trends arise from the Cold War?
- Waarom we grensmuren blijven bouwen (Prof. dr. Henk van Houtum)
- Who's afraid of neoliberalism (Prof. dr. Stephanie L. Mudge)
- De democratie onder vuur (Prof. dr. Sarah de Lange)
- The scramble for the North Pole (Dr. Duncan Depledge)
Generational Project
This lecture series is part of the Generational Project of the Utrecht Young Academy (UYA). Each new generation of UYA members organises an event for a broad audience.