P.INC poster campaign
Dream job? Or do you dream about your job? The P.INC poster campaign aims to make discussions about inclusion, privacy, and data gathering easier in the workplace. The campaign is an initiative of the transdisciplinary project Privacy and Inclusion and is a collaboration between Prof. Dr. Jojanneke van der Toorn, Dr. Martine Veldhuizen (both members of the Utrecht Young Academy), Dr. Daniel Tetteroo (TU/e Young Academy), and Studio SociaalCentraal.
The posters, available in Dutch and English, address the wish of employers to make it easier to discuss sensitive themes such as sexual orientation, burnt-out, and menopause in the workplace. Employers want to map the needs and experiences of different groups of employees, but often do not know how to do this without violating the privacy of employees. The posters are a way for employers to discuss this with employees.
How does the campaign work?
The campaign consists of posters that are distributed in offices, toilets, and hallways of organisations, and of an email that is sent to employees. The posters are designed in such a way that they create a ‘huh?’-moment. For example, the images and texts are ambiguous on purpose and do not always fit in the 'work context'. The explanation of the poster, the ‘ohh-moment’, is facilitated by an email that contains the aim of the campaign, as well as an invitation for discussion.
Campaign material
You can download the material here:
- Project manual: Dutch and English
- Sexual orientation: Dutch (poster, e-mail) and English (poster, e-mail)
- Menopause: Dutch (poster, e-mail) and English (poster, e-mail)
- Burn-out: Dutch (poster, e-mail) and English (poster, e-mail)
Tailor-made materials
If you wish to initiate discussions in the workplace about a different topic and you are interested in tailor-made material, please contact Studio SociaalCentraal.