A brief selection of the key publications of our researchers is listed below.
For a more extensive overview of publications please see the profile pages of our researchers.
Neilson, T. & Balasingham, B., ‘Big Tech and News: A Critical Approach to Digital Platforms, Journalism, and Competition Law’ in S. Bannerman and J. Meese (eds.), Algorithmic Distribution of the News: Policy Responses (Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming in 2022)
Biemans, J.W.A. & Laaper, P., Regulation of FinTech in the Netherlands, in: F. Möslein & S. Omlor, FinTech-Handbuch. Digitalisierung Recht Finanzen, Verlag C.H. Beck 2021
Van Dijck, J., de Winkel, T. & Schaefer, M. (2021). Deplatformization and the governance of the platform ecosystem. New Media & Society. Online first: DOI: 10.1177/14614448211045662
Van Dijck, J. (2021) Governing trust in European platform societies: Introduction to the special issue. European Journal of Communication 36(4): 323-333. DOI: 10.1177/02673231211028378
Kerssens, N. & Van Dijck, J. (2021). The platformization of primary education in The Netherlands. Learning, Media & Technology, DOI: 10.1080/17439884.2021.1876725
Farinhas, C., “The Interplay between EU Law and WTO Law: When the Legality of EU Acts is at Stake” in Lenaerts et al (Eds.) Building the European Union, The Jurist’s View of the Union’s Evolution, Hart Publishing, 2021
Farinhas, C., “Casino, Guichard-Perrachon and AMC v Commission, Intermarché Casino Achats v Commission, Les Mousquetaires and ITM Entreprises v Commission: The Commission’s Powers of Inspection are Examined in the Light of the Charter”, Journal of European Competition Law & Practice, Volume 12, Issue 2, 2021
Gargantini, M., ‘The European Regulation of Securities Exchanges. Regulated Markets in an Evolving Technological and Legal Context’, Giappichelli (Series: Diritto dell’Economia), Turin, 2021, IX-207
Harrison, R., ‘Tackling Disinformation in Times of Crisis: The European Commission’s Response to the Covid-19 Infodemic and the Feasibility of a Consumer-centric Solution’, Utrecht Law Review 17(3), pp. 18-33
Robinson, G. & Masson, A. (eds), Mapping Legal Innovation: Trends and Perspectives, Mar 2021, Springer International Publishing. 413 p.
Robinson, G. & Ligeti, K., 'Sword, Shield and Cloud: Toward a European System of Public-Private Orders for Electronic Evidence in Criminal Matters?' in Mitsilegas, V. & Vavoula, N. (eds.) Surveillance and Privacy in the Digital Age: European, Translatlantic and Global Perspectives. Hart, Oxford, p. 27-70 43 p. (Hart Studies in European Criminal Law).
De Vries, S., ‘Editorial for the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic: Shortcomings and Strengths of the EU Legal System in Selected Policy Domains’, Utrecht Law Review 17(3), pp. 1-5
De Vries, S. et al, Covid and EU Law, Special Issue: Utrecht Law Review, 17(3), 2021
Balasingham, B., Big Data and Competition Analysis under Australian Competition Law: Comeback of the Structuralist Approach?’ Journal of Antitrust Enforcement, published on 21 December 2020.
Balasingham, B., ‘Hybrid Restraints and Hybrid Tests under US Antitrust and EU Competition Law’ (2020) 43 World Competition 261
Van Dijck, J. & Alinejad, D. (2020). Social Media and trust in scientific expertise: Debating the Covid-19 Pandemic in The Netherlands. Social Media & Society, doi:10.1177/2056305120981057
Van Dijck, J. (2020). Seeing the Forest for the Trees: Visualizing Platformization and its Governance. New Media & Society 23 (9): 2801-2819.
Gargantini, M., ‘Prospectus Liability. Competent Courts of Jurisdiction and Applicable Law’, in BUSCH, Danny, FERRARINI, Guido and FRANX, Jan Paul, Prospectus Regulation and Prospectus Liability, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020, 441-464
Kanetake, M., ‘Converging Dual-Use Export Control with Human Rights Norms: The EU’s Responses to Digital Surveillance Exports’, in Elaine Fahey (ed.), Framing Convergence with the Global Legal Order: The EU and the World (Hart Publishing, 2020), pp. 65-81. (17 pages)
Van Dijck, J. (2019). Governing digital societies: private platforms, public values. Computer Law & Security Review
Farinhas, C., “Access to confidential information in the financial and banking sectors: Judgements of the Court of Justice in Altmann, Baumeister, UBS and Buccioni”, Law and Financial Markets Review, Volume 13, Issue 4, 2019
Gargantini, M., ‘Corporate Governance, Financial Information and EU Market Abuse Regulation’, in BUSCH, Danny, FERRARINI, Guido and VAN SOLINGE, Gerard (eds.), Corporate Governance of Financial Institutions, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2019, 284-306 (with DI NOIA, Carmine)
Kanetake, M., ‘The EU’s Dual-Use Export Control and Human Rights Risks: The Case of Cyber Surveillance Technology’, Europe and the World: A Law Review (UCL Press, 2019), vol. 3, pp. 1-16. [16 pages, peer reviewed, open access]
Laaper, P., The Cross-Sectoral Playing Field in Outsourcing, in: V. Colaert, D. Busch & T. Incalza, European Financial Regulation – Levelling the Cross-Sectoral Playing Field, Hart Publishing 2019
Laaper, P. & Busch, D., The Dutch Banker’s Oath and the Dutch Banking Disciplinary Committee, in: D. Busch, G. Ferrarini & G. van Solinge, Governance of financial institutions, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2019
Laaper, P. & van Meerten, H., De (rechts)positie van het verantwoordingsorgaan en zijn leden, TPV 2019/2
Robinson, G., 'A Democratic Dénouement? The EU vs Terrorist Content Online | Um desfecho democrático? A União Europeia vs conteúdo terrorista online', Publicum, 5, 2, p. 184-200
Binder, T.J.; Karagianni, A.M.; Scholten, M. / Emergency! But what about legal protection in the EU? In: European Journal of Risk Regulation, Vol. 9, No. 1, 2018, p. 1-21.
van den Brink, A.; Marguery, T.P. / Hogere evenwichtskunst in het Europees Aanhoudingsbevel. Meer rechtsbescherming en ook meer Europa? In: SEW, tijdschrift voor Europees en economisch recht, Vol. 2018, No. 2, 02.2018, p. 46-54.
Csúri, A. / Towards an inconsistent European regime of cross-border Evidence: the EPPO and the European Investigation Order. The Establishment of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO): “State of Play and Perspectives”. ed. / Willem Geelhoed; Leendert Hendrik Erkelens; Arjen Meij. T.M.C. Asser Press/Springer, 2018. p. 141-153.
Gerbrandy, A.; Van Kreij , Laurens / The Impact of the Covention of Aarhus on the Emerging European Legal Culture. The Making of a New European Legal Culture: The Aarhus Convention . ed. / R. Caranta; A. Gerbrandy; B. Müller. Europa Law Publishing, 2018. p. 443-456.
Jaremba, U.; Lalikova , Laura / Effectiveness of Private Enforcement of European Competition Law in Case of Passing-on of Overcharges: Implementation of Antitrust Damages Directive in Germany, France, and Ireland. In: Journal of European Competition Law & Practice, 2018.
Kanetake, M., ‘Balancing Innovation, Development and Security: Dual-Use Concepts in Export Control Laws’ in N. Craik, C. Jefferies, S. Seck, and T. Stephens (eds.), Global Environmental Change and Innovation in International Law (Cambridge University Press, 2018), pp. 180-200. [21 pages, peer-reviewed]
Kanetake, M. / The UN Security Council and Domestic Actors: Distance in International Law. Routledge, 2018. 238 p.
Laaper, P. & van Deursen, S., Eerlijk proces versus bescherming van persoonsgegevens in het bankentuchtrecht, Tijdschrift voor Financieel Recht 2018, p. 646-656
Marguery, T.P. / Transfer of Prisoners in the European Union : Towards a better balance between Fundamental Rights and Mutual Trust. Oisterwijk : Wolf Legal Publishers, 2018. 400 p.
Meershoek, N.A. / Excessive prices in the pharmaceutical sector: reinventing United Brands as a fairness-mechanism. In: European competition law review, Vol. 39, No. 4, 06.03.2018, p. 167-174.
Timmer, A.S.H.; Senden, L.A.J. / A comparative analysis of gender equality law in Europe 2017 : A comparative analysis of the implementation of EU gender equality law in the EU Member States, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia and Turkey. Publications Office of the European Union, 2018. 156 p.
de Vries, S.A.; Pulice, Elisabetta / Economic rights of EU citizens within a multi-level context. Moving Beyond Barriers - Prospects for EU Citizenship. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018.
de Cock Buning, M.; de Bruin, R.W. / Big data en het intellectuele eigendom. Big Data. ed. / P. Blok. Den Haag : SDU, 2017. p. 85-114
Dobson, N.L.; Ryngaert, C.M.J. / Provocative climate protection: EU "extraterritorial" regulation of maritime emissions. In: International and comparative law quarterly, Vol. 66, No. 2, 27.02.2017, p. 295-333.
Luchtman, M.J.J.P.; Vervaele, J.A.E.; Graat, J.J.M.; Scholten, M.; Simonato, Michele; Alldridge, Peter; Ligeti, Katalin; Allegrezza, Silvia; Tricot, Juliette; Robinson, Gavin; Błachucki, Mateusz; Böse, Martin; Schneider, Anne; Nowak, Celina / Investigatory powers and procedural safeguards : Improving OLAF’s legislative framework through a comparison with other EU law enforcement authorities (ECN/ESMA/ECB). Utrecht : Utrecht University, 2017.
van Meerten, H.; Schmidt, E.S. / Compulsory membership of pension schemes and the free movement of services in the EU. In: European Journal of Social Security, Vol. 19, No. 2, 18.06.2017, p. 118-140
Oude Breuil, B.C.M.; Pijl, van der, Yvon; Swetzer, Lene; Drymioti, Marilena; Goderie, Marjolein / "We do not matter": Transgender migrants/refugees' experiences in the Dutch asylum system. In: Violence and Gender, 09.06.2017.
van Rijsbergen, M.P.M.; Foster, Jonathan / ‘Rating’ ESMA’s accountability : ‘AAA’ status. Law Enforcement by EU Authorities: Implications for Political and Judicial Accountability. ed. / Miroslava Scholten; Michiel Luchtman. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017. p. 53-81.
Senden, L.A.J.; Nicolosi, S. / Een eerste balans van het Europees burgerinitiatief, in het licht van de Anagnostakisuitspraak en het EBI-herzieningsvoorstel. In: Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Europees recht, Vol. 2017, No. 9-10, 31.12.2017, p. 241-249.
Simonato, M.; Ligeti, Katalin / Asset Recovery in the EU: Towards a Comprehensive Enforcement Model beyond Confiscation? Chasing Criminal Money: Challenges and Perspectives on Asset Recovery in the EU. ed. / Katalin Ligeti; Michele Simonato. Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2017. p. 1-21 (Hart Studies in European Criminal Law).
van Uhm, D.P. / A green criminological perspective on environmental crime : The anthropocentric, ecocentric and biocentric impact of defaunation. In: Revue internationale de droit pénal , Vol. 87, No. 1, 2017, p. 323-340.
Vervaele, J.A.E. / Judicial and political accountability for criminal investigations and prosecutions by a European Public Prosecutor's Office in the EU : the dissymetry of shared enforcement. Law Enforcement by EU Authorities: Implications for Political and Judicial Accountability. ed. / Miroslava Scholten; Michiel Luchtman. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017. p. 247-271.
Bovend'Eerdt, K.H.P. / The Joined Cases Aranyosi and Căldăraru: A New Limit to the Mutual Trust Presumption in the Area of Freedom, Security, and Justice? In: Utrecht Journal of International and European Law, Vol. 32, No. 83, 29.09.2016, p. 112-121
van den Brink, A.; van Meerten, H. / EU Executive Rule-Making and the Second Directive on Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision. In: Utrecht Law Review, Vol. 12, No. 1, 02.02.2016, p. 75-85.
Fromage, D.B. / National parliaments fighting back? : Institutional engineering as a successful means to become active actors in EU affairs. In: Perspectives on Federalism, Vol. 8, No. 3, 2016, p. 69-86.
Kruisinga, S.A. / De arresten Visser/Avéro, General Vargas en ForFarmers/Doens: is the devil in the detail? : Een beschouwing over de vraag wat rechtens is indien één partij onderling verschillende sets algemene voorwaarden van toepassing verklaart. In: Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Burgerlijk Recht, Vol. 2016, No. 42, 07.11.2016, p. 286-293.
Nicolosi, S. / Disconnecting Humanitarian Law from EU Subsidiary Protection: A Hypothesis of Defragmentation of International Law. In: Leiden Journal of International Law, Vol. 29, No. 2, 2016, p. 463-483.
Pennings, F.J.L. / Constitutional and Conventional Protection of Social Security in the Netherlands. The Right to Social Security in the Constitutions of the World: Broadening the Moral and Legal Space for Social Justice. ed. / Alexandre Egorov; Marcin Wujczyk. Geneva : International Labour Office, 2016. p. 212-221.
Ryngaert, C.M.J. / Dealing with Organisations and Corporations. Facing the Past: Amending Historical Injustices through Instruments of Transitional Justice. ed. / Peter Malcontent. Antwerp : Intersentia, 2016. p. 187-202 (Series on transitional justice; Vol. 21).
van Eijken, H. / De Europese burger en het Handvest voor de Grondrechten: nieuwe sporen naar een Europese rechtsstaat? De sociale markteconomie van de EU en de kansen voor Nederland: Gedachten over de toekomst vanuit de nietpositivitische driesporenbenadering van Bart Hessel. ed. / A. Gerbrandy; R. Rampersad. Den Haag : Boom Juridische Uitgevers, 2016. p. 251-258.
Vervaele, J.A.E. / Counterterrorism: net widening and function creep in criminal justice. In: Diritto penale XXI secolo, Vol. 2015, No. 2, 01.07.2016, p. 205-218.
Woude, Marc van der; Jones, Christopher; Charbit, Nicolas; Fountoukakos, Kyriakos; Mulder, Jotte; Hoorelbeke, Bram; Viaene, Hendrik; Gillet, Delphine; Wesseling, Rein / EU competition law handbook 2017 edition. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016.