Advisory Committee

Marc Fierstra, Judge Supreme Court of the Netherlands
Fierstra is a judge at the Dutch Supreme Court. Previously, he has been employed as, inter alia, head of the European Law department of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and registrar at the Court of First Instance of the European Communities.

Arjen Meij, Endowed Professor Legal Protection in the EU
Meij started his academic career in European Law in 1972 as associate professor at the University of Groningen. In 1996 – 1998 he was judge at the Supreme Court of the Netherlands, after which he was a judge at the General Court of the European Union until 2010. Since 2009 he has been appointed as honorary Professor at the University of Utrecht.

Peter Csonka, Head of Unit, General Criminal Law, European Commission, DG JUSTICE

Sacha Prechal, Judge Court of Justice
In her early career, Sacha (Alexandra) Prechal was lecturer at the University of Maastricht and Amsterdam, as well as legal secretary at the Court of Justice of the European Communities. Having been appointed Professor of European Law in the Law Faculty of the University of Tilburg in 1995 and Professor of European Law in the Law Faculty of the University of Utrecht in 2003, she still holds her position in Utrecht as honorary Professor as from 2012. In 2010, Sacha Prechal was appointed as judge at the European Court of Justice.

Harrie Temmink, Deputy Head of the Online and Postal unit at DG Internal Market and Services, European Commission.
Harrie Temminik started his European Law career as lecturer Public European Law at the University of Utrecht, while at the same time working part-time at the Dutch Competition Authority. After having worked at the Court of Justice and several DG Units at the European Commission, he is as of 16 March 2021 Deputy Head of the Unit "REACH" at DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (GROW), European Commission. He is also a guest lecturer at several universities.

Corinna Wissels, Judge at the Dutch Council of State
Corinna Wissels started her career in European Law as attorney-at-law in Brussels, Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Moscow. After returning from Russia, she taught Russian law at the University of Leiden, as well as working as an attorney-at-law. In 2007, she became head of the of the European law section of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 2013, Corinna Wissels was appointed as judge at the Netherlands Council of State.