
UCMS excursion with Minor students to Bruges
Excursion with students in Bruges

Utrecht University offers students various possibilities for studying medieval history, literature, art, music etc., both at undergraduate (BA) and at postgraduate (MA) level. Tuition is provided by specialists in a variety of disciplines, who make valid contributions to international scholarship as researchers.

For Bachelor's students

Major in medieval and Renaissance studies

Within the Dutch-taught broad Bachelor's programme 'Taal- en cultuurstudies' you can do a major in medieval and Renaissance studies ('hoofdrichting Middeleeuwen en Renaissancestudies').

  • Are you interested in this programme? Read more (in Dutch).
  • Are you a student in this programme? Go to the students' website (in Dutch).

Minor 'Middle Ages'

The minor Middle Ages offers a thorough acquaintance with medieval Europe in four complementary courses. By investigating medieval culture from (art) historical and literary perspectives, students develop a varied and rich understanding of the period.

For Master's students

Master's programme Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Studies

The two-year English-taught Research Master’s programme in Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Studies focuses on interdisciplinary study of the material, social, and intellectual developments in Europe (including the Mediterranean region) from Antiquity through the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. Within this long period, you can focus on your academic interests by choosing one of the following tracks: Ancient Studies, Medieval Studies, Medieval Celtic Studies, Renaissance Studies. In the Medieval Studies track, you may specialise in either Medieval History, Medieval Art History, Medieval Literature, or Medieval Musicology. Medieval Celtic Studies combines literary studies with historical linguistics.