Publications Corporate Social Responsibility
UCALL publications within the theme Corporate Social Responsibility.
A.L. Vytopil, CSR-violations in supply-chains: transparency legislation, not so bad at all
Ars Aequi 2016, afl. 2, p. 142-146.
L. Enneking, F. Kristen, K. Pijl, T. Waterbolk, J. Emaus, M. Hiel, A.-J. Schaap, I. Giesen, Zorgplichten van Nederlandse Ondernemingen inzake Internationaal Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen (Duties of Care of Dutch Companies Regarding International Corporate Social Responsibility)
M.L. Lennarts, De zorgplicht van de moedervennootschap jegens werknemers van de dochter naar Engels recht: ‘do bad cases make bad law’? (the duty of care of the parent company to employees of the subsidiary)
In: B.F. Assink, K.F. Haak, J.M. de Jongh, M.J. Kroeze & A.J.P. (ed.), De toekomst van het ondernemingsrecht - Het ondernemingsrecht van de toekomst, Deventer: Kluwer, 2015, p. 315-329.
A. L. Vytopil, Contractual Control in the Supply Chain: On Corporate Social Responsibility, Codes of Conduct, Contracts and (Avoiding) Liability
The Hague: Eleven International Publishing, 2015, 341 p.
A.L. Vytopi, The Conflict Minerals Rule – Private Alternatives?
lThe Dovenschmidt Quarterly 2013/3, pp. 152-159