Publications UCERF

UCERF researchers publish in leading national and international monographs and journals.

Extensive English-language research appears in the European Family Law (EFL) series published by Intersentia (Antwerp). Publisher Stämpfli (Bern) takes care of the German and French publications in this series.

Dutch-language research is published in the Family & Law series of Boom Juridisch uitgevers (The Hague). The Ars Aequi UCERF series includes volumes on current developments in family law published on the occasion of the annual UCERF symposia.

Below are some key publications in our research areas.

For all publications: see the profiles of the individual UCERF-researchers.

Our researchers

Divorce research

Ouders houden kinderschoenen samen vast

W. Schrama, M.V. Antokolskaia, G. Ruitenberg, C. Jeppesen de Boer, & I. van der Valk, Achieving compliance with post-divorce parenting contact arrangements in the Netherlands: Problems and Possible Solutions. In M. Maclean (Ed.), Research Handbook on Family Justice Systems (pp. 112-128). Edward Elgar Publishing 2023.

Z. Rejaän, I.E. van der Valk, W. Schrama, I. van Aalst, A. Chen, C.G. Jeppesen de Boer, J. Houtkamp, S. Branje, ‘Adolescents’ Post-Divorce Sense of Belonging, An Interdisciplinary Review’ , European Psychologist 2021, p. 1-14.

W.M. Schrama, ‘Marriage and alternative status relationships in the Netherlands’, in: J. Eekelaar & R. George (red.), Routledge Handbook of Family Law and Policy, Oxfordshire: Routledge 2020, 2nd edition, p. 14-25.


Labour, social security, care and gender

Vader met baby

M. Jonker, J. Tigchelaar, C. Finkenauer, K. Visser & G. Stevens, ‘Dutch strategies for combating child poverty: A child rights-based approach’, in: E. Marrus & P. Laufer-Ukeles (eds.), Global Reflections on Children’s Rights and the Law: 30 Years After the Convention on the Rights of the Child, London: Routledge 2021, p. 251-264.

B. Oude Breuil, Protecting Whom, Why, and from What? The Dutch Government’s Politics of Abjection of Sex Workers in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Human Rights Review, 24(2), 2023, 217-239.

L. Sosa. Femicide and intersectionality. In The Routledge International Handbook on Femicide and Feminicide (1st ed., pp. 50-59). (Routledge International Handbooks). Routlegde 2023.

F. Schuthof, Invisible before the law: The legal position of persons with intellectual disabilities under the Dutch Care and Compulsion Act (Wzd) in light of Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). Family and Law, 2021(2), 1-26.

L. Sosa, M. van den Brink, P. Jacobs & M. Burnside, Written opinion regarding the request for an advisory opinion on ‘Differentiated approaches to persons deprived of liberty’. The case of transgender persons in detentio , 2021.

E. Alofs & W.M. Schrama, Elderly Care and Upwards solidarity. Historical, Sociological and Legal Perspectives , Antwerpen: Intersentia 2020.

M. van den Brink e.a., ‘Framing gender identity registration amidst national and international developments: Introduction to ‘Bodies, identities, and gender regimes: Human rights and legal aspects of gender identity registration’, International Journal of Gender, Sexuality and Law 2020/1, afl. 1, p. 1-25. 

Child rights and youth protection

Kind, schoenen, volwassene, schoenen, bescherming, foto: Daiga Ellaby via Unsplash

C. Mol, The Child's Right to Participate in Family Law Proceedings. (European Family Law; Vol. 52). Intersentia 2022.

W.M Schrama, M. Freeman, N. Taylor & M. Bruning, International Handbook on Child Participation in Family Law , Antwerpen: Intersentia 2021.

M. Jonker, J. Tigchelaar, C. Finkenauer, K. Visser, & G. Stevens, ‘Dutch strategies for combating child poverty: a rights-based approach’, in: E. Marrus & P. Laufer-Ukeles (red.), Global reflections on children's rights and the law: 30 years after the convention on the rights of the child , New York: Routledge 2021, p. 251-264. 

C.R. Mol, ‘Children’s Representation in Family Law Proceedings: A Comparative Evaluation in Light of Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child,, International Journal of Children’s Rights, 27(1), 2019.


Family law, relationship property law and maintenance law

Familie fotoportret, foto: Charisse Kenion via Unsplash

W. Schrama & J. Tigchelaar, Aims of Family Law Tested Against Dutch Family Law: What’s Love Got to do with It? In J. M. Scherpe, & S. Gilmore (Eds.), Family Matters: Essays in Honour of John Eekelaar (1 ed., pp. 329-347). Intersentia 2022.

W.M. Schrama, J. Tigchelaar en Y. Yildiz, ‘De rol van de staat in het relatierecht’, in: W.M. Schrama & S. Burri (red.), Verantwoordelijkheden in het familierecht: de rol van de staat, familie en individu , Den Haag: Boom juridisch 2020, p. 11-89.

M. Jonker, J. Wijngaard & N. van Foreest, ‘Proportioneel verdelen van draagkracht bij kinderalimentatie in samengestelde gezinnen’, EB 2020/63, afl. 7-8, p. 141-149.

International families

Kind aan boord van vliegtuig, foto: Octav Cado via Unsplash

B. Böök, S. Burri, A. Timmer & L. Senden, A comparative analysis of gender equality law in Europe 2022. European Commission 2023.

A. Timmer, L. Senden, B. Böök & S. Burri, A comparative analysis of gender equality law in Europe 2021: The 27 EU Member States, Albania, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Turkey and the United Kingdom compared. Publications Office of the European Union 2022.

C. Jeppesen - de Boer & A. Kronborg, Cooperation: The glue that unites the Danish Family Justice System. In M. Maclean, R. Treloar, & B. Dijksterhuis (Eds.), What Is a Family Justice System For?: Onati International Series in Law and Society (1st ed., pp. 17-52). Bloomsbury Publishing 2022.

W.M. Schrama, ‘Empowering Private Autonomy as a Means to Navigate the Patchwork of EU Regulations on Family Law’, in: J. Scherpe & E. Bargelli (red.), The interaction between family law, succession law and private international law, Cambridge: Intersentia 2021, p. 35-58.

H. van Eijken, ‘Connecting the Dots Backwards, What Did Ruiz Zambrano Mean for EU Citizenship and Fundamental Rights in EU Law? , European Journal of Migration and Law 2021/23, afl. 1, p. 48-67.

N.N. Tahir, ‘Understanding Arranged Marriage: An Unbiased Analysis of a Traditional Marriage Institution’, International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, vol. 35, no. 1, 2021.