About us

The Utrecht Centre for European Research into Family Law (UCERF) at Utrecht University is comprised of leading experts who carry out innovative research concerning family & law. Our research is independent and objective, of a high scientific quality and distinguished in the broad field of family & law. We combine international, comparative, European and domestic law perspectives in order to acquire a better insight into the complex legal reality.

Our research also encompasses multidisciplinary and empirical aspects that allow us to gain a better understanding of human behaviour which, in turn, is directly relevant for law and policy. Our connection to legal practice is of great importance, since ‘law in action’ has a direct impact on both families and individuals. We distinguish ourselves by being reflective, creating new solutions and having a high societal impact.

Our research focuses on family law and the law of persons, which encompass a plethora of related topics including family law, children’s rights, transgender rights, care, leave & gender, equality and human rights, EU citizenship, private international family law and youth law. We also use our expertise for in-company courses and commissioned research.