ECR scholarship
The challenges the ocean currently faces are all complex problems that don't fit into disciplinary boxes. They are better understood by engaging directly with societal stakeholders. While there is widespread enthusiasm to engage in this collaborative venture, there is a need to build capacity and common understanding in how to create co-designed solutions that could bring about the desired transformation in ocean management.
Who can apply?
PhD candidates and postdocs employed at Utrecht University or NIOZ.
What can be applied for?
We offer small financial support to grow competence on inter- and transdisciplinary skills, including e.g. open science and co-design skills. This support can be used for e.g. attending summer schools and courses that are not typically funded by traditional research grants.
Which deadlines need to be considered?
Applications are evaluated on a first-come first-served basis by the SO board (we aim at a response within a few weeks after submission).
What outcome do we expect?
If your request is granted funding, we kindly request you to share your experience with the community through a report or presentation to be posted on the Sustainable Ocean Community website.
How to apply?
To apply, send a motivation letter (500 words) and requested budget to
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. The board is happy to think along and discuss ideas and possibilities with you!