Publications & Media

Ecocide and International Law

Prof Dr. Cedric Ryngaert on Ecocide and International law: "An international crime of Ecocide can make punishable severe destruction of the environment."

Ecocide and Criminal Law

Dr. Luigi Prosperi on addressing Ecocide through Criminal Law: Take care of the land, and the land will take care of you" (First Nations peoples' proverb)

The Ecological Dimension of Ecocide

Dr. Marijke van Kuijk on the ecological dimension of Ecocide: "Ecocide and its cascading impacts have no boundaries."

Ecocide in the Cultural Imagination

Dr. Susanne Knittel on Ecocide in the Cultural Imagination

Prof. Cedric Ryngaert on Ecocide with De Futuristen. Created by Studium Generale in cooperation with the Nieuw Utrechts Toneel.