Software Technology: Software Archive

Generic Haskell | Given a file with definitions of type-indexed functions, kind-indexed kinds, or type-indexed data types, the Generic Haskell compiler generates Haskell code for the instances of these functions on the data types that occur in the input file. | |
Authors / Maintainers | Dave Clarke, Ralf Hinze, Johan Jeuring, Andres Löh, and Jan de Wit |
Haskell Utrecht Tools | A collection of packages including pretty-printing combinators, error-correcting parser combinators and an attribute grammar system. | |
Authors / Maintainers | Arie Middelkoop, Jeroen Fokker, and Alexey Rodriguez |
Polytypic programming | PolyP extends a functional language (a subset of Haskell) with a construct for writing polytypic functions. A polytypic function is a function that is defined by induction on the structure of user-defined datatypes. | |
Authors | Johan Jeuring and Patrik Jansson |
No longer maintained at Utrecht
ActiveHaskell (archived July 2006) | ActiveHaskell is the collective name for all Haskell components that allow interaction with the COM/ActiveX framework. | |
Authors | Erik Meijer and Daan Leijen |
The attribute grammar system LRC | LRC can be used to generate efficient, incremental higher order attribute grammar evaluators. | |
Authors | Matthijs Kuiper, João Saraiva and Doaitse Swierstra |
Parsec: Parser Combinators | The combinators are distrubuted as part of the GHC distribution. | |
Authors | Daan Leijen |
Stratego | Stratego is a language for the specification of program transformation systems based on the paradigm of rewriting strategies. | |
Authors | Eelco Visser |
Tiger in Stratego | An implementation of a compiler for Andrew Appel's Tiger language and other transformations on Tiger programs. The implementation has been developed as a case study in the use of transformation techniques in compilation and is used in teaching program transformation. | |
Authors | Eelco Visser |
wxHaskell: Haskell GUI Library | wxHaskell is a portable and native GUI library for Haskell. The goal of the project is to provide an industrial strength GUI library for Haskell, but without the burden of developing (and maintaining) one ourselves. | |
Authors | Daan Leijen |
XT | XT is a bundle of program transformation tools including Stratego, the SDF Grammar base, and tools for grammar recovery. | |
Authors | Merijn de Jonge, Eelco Visser, Joost Visser |
UHC | UHC is the Utrecht Haskell Compiler. UHC supports almost all Haskell98 features plus experimental extensions. UHC is written using UUAGC. | |
Authors/Maintainers | Atze Dijkstra, Doaitse Swierstra, and Jeroen Fokker | |
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UUAGC | UUAGC is the Utrecht University Attribute Grammar Compiler, a preprocessor for Haskell which makes it easy to define tree walks using the intuitive concepts of inherited and synthesized attributes. | |
Authors/Maintainers | Jeroen Bransen, Arie Middelkoop, Doaitse Swierstra, and Atze Dijkstra | |
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