Write your DMP (e-learning)

Data management planning is an essential part of your research.  To do this, you need a Data Management Plan (DMP). This is a living document that outlines all aspects of your research data, such as how you collect, structure, protect, store, document and share the data. In order to meet the requirements from Utrecht University and your funders demands, you can now take the self-paced online module "Write your DMP”. Through interactive content and exercises, this e-learning module gives you an essential understanding of data management planning.

In this e-learning, you will learn about:

  • Collecting your data 
  • Structuring your data and using sustainable data formats 
  • Legal issues and data security 
  • Storing your data safely 
  • Documenting your data with documentation and metadata 
  • Sharing your data with others 
  • Licensing your data 
  • Preserving your data and making them FAIR

Duration of the e-learning

The module is self-paced, and will take on average 1,5 hours to complete. 

Sign up

If you work or study at Utrecht University, you can register for the module with your Solis-ID.

Go to Write Your DMP

Are you from outside Utrecht University or do you not have a Solis-id? Please email RDM Support to help you out.