Storing and managing data

Here you will find a range of IT solutions for collecting, storing and managing data.

Data management solutions

RDM Support supports the following solutions for data collection and data management:

  • Yoda: a research data management service that enables researchers from Utrecht University and their collaborators to securely deposit, share, publish and preserve large amounts of research data during all stages of a research project.
  • eLabJournal and eLabInventory: a workflow management solution tailored to researchers in laboratories.
  • Qualtrics: a tool for collecting survey data.

External solutions that we can help with:

  • SURF filesender: with SURF filesender, you can securely send files to others or share them via a link (max. 1 TB). Sensitive data can be sent extra securely using encryption (max. 2 GB).
  • Open Science Framework: with Open Science Framework, you can keep project-related files in one location (incl. data, preregistrations, preprints, code, protocols, etc.) and share it with collaborators and/or publicly. It also allows using add-ons like GitHub or Dataverse and you can publish your project files with a license and persistent identifier (DOI).

Data storage solutions

There is a range of storage solutions available to host your research data. RDM Support supports Yoda and SURF Research Drive (pilot). However, there are more storage solutions and the most appropriate storage solution will depend on factors like the type of data, size, rate of growth, retention, performance, access, etc. Use the Data Storage Finder to guide you through the range of IT solutions for storing and managing data.

Data Storage Finder

Data Repository Solutions

There are many data repositories in which you can archive and publish your research data. RDM Support supports Yoda and DataverseNL as generic data repositories. However, there are many available data repositories. Use the Data Repository Finder to choose a generic data repository that fits your data publishing needs.

Data Repository Finder