Gender identification and categorisation beyond the binary

Illustratie van een schoolbord met daarop getekend verschillende gender typen

My project is about the binary (male vs. female) gender system we have in society and how that is changing within people’s identifications (e.g. more and more non-binary people are coming forward). I also investigate the negative effects of our current system beyond actively non-binary identifying people (e.g., binary categories may contribute to gender gap in general). Lastly, I want to investigate what is keeping the current binary system intact and what we can do to make the transition to a more gender-neutral society easier for everyone.

On December 12th 2021, I was invited to talk about my research as part of an event honouring the Erasmus prize winner Grayson Perry. At this event, a documentary by Perry was shown at the Louis Hartlooper cinema in Utrecht, organized by ‘Movies that Matter’. My talk was the introduction to the documentary, as well a summary of my PhD research. You can watch a recording of my talk below.


This project is funded by the Spinoza grant Naomi Ellemers.

