Solution-state NMR
The solution NMR group is formed by Dr. Hugo van Ingen and his team. Research in the Van Ingen group focusses on the molecular basis of chromatin function using an integrative approach of modern NMR, biochemistry and computation. The group also collaborates with and supports users of the solution NMR Facility via iNEXT-Discovery and INSTRUCT, building on the long and rich history of the Utrecht NMR group.
For more information, see the van Ingen group page.
The Utrecht NMR group was established by prof. dr. Rob Kaptein and prof. dr. Rolf Boelens, who made several key contributions to the methodology and automation of structural analysis by NMR. The Utrecht NMR group of Kaptein and Boelens determined one of the first protein structures by NMR (lac-repressor headpiece, 1985), and the first structure of a protein-DNA complex (1987). Their studies on the interaction of the bacterial Lac-repressor with DNA revealed new insights into recognition of specific and non-specific DNA sequences and the associated structural transitions of the protein.