Connecting the dots between Big Tech and European competition law
The influence of large tech-companies in society is undeniable. The emergence and development of the digital economy marks a paradigm-shift towards a more connected and fluid ‘platform society’. New challenges stem from rapid technological developments, the combination of economic and digital power, and arise from a combination of unprecedented data-collection and the indispensability of pivotal platforms for both market-participants and citizens. This impacts both markets and democracy.
Even though the challenges are urgent, law struggles to find answers. This is true also for European competition law, which aims to combat the negative effects of market power. However, as is hypothesised in this project, powerful tech-companies give rise to a new type of power: ‘Modern Bigness’. It impacts both market values and non-market values, such as freedom and democracy.
The MOBI project investigates whether European competition law can and should tackle the challenges of Modern Bigness, arising from the digital economy. It does so by combining different research projects within a team of academics. The project fundamentally reconsiders the nature and boundaries of European competition law in relation to digital developments. Ultimately, it is driven by the desire to protect fundamental societal, market and non-market values.

EU funding
This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 852005).