
Utrecht University

The program is part of IEB and is well positioned in the UU strategic themes Life Sciences and Sustainability and the Focus areas Integrative Bioinformatics and Future Food Utrecht. The research group collaborates within the Science Faculty with groups of the Departments of Chemistry (Crystal & Structural Chemistry; Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry & Proteomics, NMR Spectroscopy), and Physics (Soft Condensed Matter & Biophysics) and also with the Utrecht Medical Centre (Medical Microbiology) and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (Infectious Diseases & Immunology).


The research group is closely collaborating with the Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute, in particular with the Applied and Industrial Mycology group (Dr Dijksterhuis). The group is part of BE-BASIC and collaborates with the Universities of Leiden (Dr Ram; Dr Claessen, Prof Hiemstra), Wageningen (Dr Kabel), and Delft (Prof Reinders) and the Erasmus University Rotterdam (Dr Goessens) and the Free University of Amsterdam (Dr van Ulsen), as well as with TNO (Prof Punt), Plant Research International (Dr Sonnenberg), Intravacc (formerly the Netherlands Vaccine Institute;  Dr van der Ley), and the Netherlands Reference Laboratory for Bacterial Meningitis (Dr. van der Ende). The research group collaborates with industries within the BE-BASIC consortium and collaborates with C4C, Crucell and GlaxoSmithKline.


The research group has many international contacts and collaborations. For instance, it is part of Eurofung, which is a European network consisting of industry and research groups from more than 30 universities and institutes. The group has been part of several international consortia involved in genome projects of fungi. Moreover it collaborates, amongst many others, with the University of Tübingen (Prof. Rapaport), Ghent University (Prof Savvides). The group has attracted visiting guests from China, Slovakia, Austria, Thailand, Germany, Finland, Turkey, and Spain.