Open Science is at the core of Lili’s Proto Lab. Via this page our community shares its most relevant builds with makers world-wide, for inspiration and knowledge sharing.
To inspire new generations of creators we share impressions of our smaller Maker and Quick Build projects via Instagram.
Open HMC
Development of a more accessible custom fitted head-mounted camera system for facial animation research using 3D printing and composite materials.
Field warming set up
Climate change will dramatically impact the physiology of plants. Conducting experiments to elucidate plant responses to heat stress are essential to prepare for and understand the impact of coming climatic changes. In this project, heating cables were combined with Open Top Containers to create a field warming setup that can be used to explore plant response to heat stress.
96 well plates are used to carry out experiments on a microlitre scale. This can include how cells react to reagents or, in this case, wave lengths of light. This set-up aims to create a 96 well plate holder that can shake, retain moisture and allow UV light to shine directly into the wells of the plate. This would enable the production of radicals to initiate. The end result will be something inbetween a UV lamp and an incubator.