Opening hours

Standard opening hours

Lili's Proto Lab is a part of Utrecht University and so adheres to the general operating hours of the building. That means we are accessible from 8:30 until 5:00 Monday to Friday. We also split the day in two, with appointments being scheduled for the morning and walk-in hours reserved for the afternoon. 

Monday - Friday
By appointment: 8:30 - 12:30
Walk-in: 13:00 - 16:30

Being a part of Utrecht University we also adhere to the general holiday days suggested by the university.

Opening hours over the summer

At LPL we want to make sure you can plan your project ahead of time. This means we want to let you know the best times to reach the lab and build your prototype. We are expecting to have a fully operational LPL over the summer, including lots of workshops.  There are two days where we have scheduled closes.

Thursday 4th of July from 14:00- 17:00
Friday 5th of July 09:00-17:00

We hope to see you in the lab soon!