Get Started

Build your own prototype

We ask every lab user to register their activity as a project. Depending on the scale of the lab activities (e.g. amount of support, training or materials needed) your project might be Quick Build, Maker or Open Science Hacker tier.

Determine your tier

You can check the tier descriptions below. Do you know in which tier your project belongs? Start your prototyping by applying your project! 

Project application form

Project tiers

Are you a teacher? Enhance your course with prototyping!

We also support courses for other parts of the university. As of 2023/2024 we will be supporting 9 courses representing biology, physics, informatics, pharmacy and science as a whole. LPL’s role can include supporting your teaching activity, directly thinking along with students in their production of prototypes or educating them in the use of fabrication technologies. We use the course form as a first point of contact and will then discuss the details with you face-to-face.

If you want to make prototyping a part of your education, fill in the form below and we’ll get back to you a.s.a.p..

Course application form

Custom workshops

We offer a range of workshops from introductions to prototyping, to in depth fabrication skills. We currently offer our own workshops on 3D design and printing and we are building a workshop on electronics. If you have a specific workshop or workflow you would like your students / department to learn, we can also co-design a workshop with you, as we have done for institutes like the Debye or the Biofabrication Facility. Reach out by emaling to to get in touch about a workshop.