Susanne Lens

Susanne Lens
Professor of Genomic Instability
Department of Molecular Cancer Research, UMC Utrecht
Personalized Medicine & Health

"I'm inspired by the unknown."

Normal cell division produces two daughter cells that contain the correct number of chromosomes, which carry our genetic information. Cancer cells often gain or lose chromosomes, which often leads uncontrolled cell division and incorrect duplication of genetic information.` Susanne is studying what happens during cell division, in particular, during chromosome segregation, and whether chromosomal instability leads to cancers.

Key words
Cancer, cell cycle, chromosome, genomics, cell division, instability, tumor

Brief bio of Susanne
Susanne studied Biomedical Sciences at the University of Leiden and received her PhD from the University of Amsterdam for her research on B-cell growth, differentiation and apoptosis (cell death). Following her PhD, she continued her work on cancer cells as a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland and then the Netherlands Cancer Institute. Susanne was appointed full professor in 2013 at the UMC Utrecht; is the director of the PhD program, Clinical and Translational Oncology; and is the science coordinator for the Selective Utrecht Medical Master program.