
Free and open course on the exposome

Because the exposome is a novel field of research, we developed a Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) together with the Dutch consortium Exposome-NL. The 6-week course allows you to explore the exposome concept from the comfort of your own home. As the name implies, the course is free and open to everyone.

Target audience

Exposome research requires transdisciplinary approaches. Therefore, this MOOC will be of interest to current and prospective students and researchers in the fields of public health, environmental health, life sciences, clinical medicine, geosciences, humanities, and social and behavioural sciences.

Lectures with video's, some reading and assignments

In this MOOC researchers from Utrecht University and the Dutch consortium Exposome-NL will offer their expertise. Amongst others Roel Vermeulen, Virissa Lenters and Daniel Oberski will introduce you to the exposome concept; why it’s important; how we measure the exposome; and the data sciences steps needed to establish associations with health outcomes. This course will conclude with reflections on what is needed to advance this nascent and transformative field of research.

Each course week contains at least one lecture or interview video, some reading, a discussion assignment and a short quiz to test your own knowledge. In the last course week you will make a final assignment where you apply all the knowledge you’ve obtained in this course. Also, you will provide at least one of your fellow learners with feedback on their assignment.

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