An overview of our public and private collaborating partners.
ExposomeNL is a Dutch consortium of internationally-renowned scientists that apply innovative techniques to determine which exposure factors are important for health and how these factors work. Their research focuses on the cause of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.
EXPANSE project
EXPANSE is a five-year European research project that focuses on the urban exposure, the complex interplay between the built, social, physico-chemical, food, and lifestyle aspects of the urban environment. EXPANSE involves 20 academic and non-academic partners located in 14 European countries and the USA.
The Exposome-Scan project has been awarded 3.2 million euros from the NWO Investment Grant Large program. With the grant, researchers from various Dutch institutes and medical centers will build a unique and large-scale open facility for research into the so-called exposome.
Data- en Kennishub Gezond Stedelijk Leven
Together with residents, the partners of the hub will develop scientific and data-driven concepts and measures: evidence-based products and services that have a positive effect on the health of everyone who lives, works or recreates in an urban environment.
Institute 4 Preventive Health
Roel Vermeulen is scientific director of the Institute 4 Preventive Health (i4PH) of the EWUU alliance of the universities of Eindhoven, Wageningen and Utrecht and the UMC Utrecht.