About the platform
Global markets are key governance mechanisms in the open society. Our focus is on the functioning of global markets, the roles and responsibilities of corporations within such markets, and their relation with governments and civil society.

The contemporary economy does not allow a simple private/public distinction. Relations are changing and new configurations emerge. Public and private institutions continuously redefine their roles and responsibilities with respect to public values. Our agenda focuses on studying markets and corporations as important institutions of and in the open society. Researchers maintain a critical perspective on the relation between markets and corporations, and the values of the open society. Regulation (public and private, formal and informal, and supervision and enforcement) are an important focus.
In this open network lawyers, philosophers, historians, economists and governance scholars unite in studying the role and position of corporations in markets of the present and the past. With strong interdisciplinary effort and in close cooperation with societal partners – corporations, regulators and NGOs – we combine first-hand experiences with fundamental academic reflection. We believe that their mutual reinforcement is prerequisite to a rich understanding of the challenges of markets and corporations in an Open Society.
We welcome participants to our activities as well as new initiatives. We are an intellectual community for academic dialogue on modern and premodern markets.
The platform researches the tensions and the intertwined nature of public and private forms of governance
Bundling partners from in- and outside Utrecht University, the platform researches the tensions and the intertwined nature of public and private forms of governance. It diagnoses where there are opportunities and success stories, as well as the moments where markets and business may tend to undermine public goals, and what can be done from the public side to remedy these threats.
The contemporary economy does not allow a simple private/public distinction, and public and private institutions continuously have to redefine their roles and responsibilities with respect to public goals.