Call: Self-Organised PhD Group - Gender, Diversity & Global Justice Platform
The Gender, Diversity, and Global Justice Platform is aware like no other about all the great expertises and different disciplinary projects that are researched at Utrecht University under the guise of these three major themes.
The Platform wishes to offer support in creating and helping with the funding of a self-organised PhD group.We want to stimulate interdisciplinary knowledge exchange and to foster collaboration between different departments that are all doing valuable research on topics relevant for the themes of our platform. By facilitating such a group, we hope to create new interdisciplinary insights and different understandings through the variety of disciplinary lenses that can be used to study topics of gender, diversity, and global justice. Funds can be used to host and facilitate study groups and seminars, to organize different events, and many other relevant activities.
Whether you are a fresh PhD candidate at Utrecht University, or are a bit further along in your PhD project, all are welcome to join this initiative. Please reach out to us by sending an email where you shortly introduce your disciplinary field and PhD project to