
Which institutional arrangements affect inequalities and forms of exclusion?

Researchers from different backgrounds focus on the way inequality is affected by different institutions: capital & property relations, divisions of wealth, families, division of care, educational & training traditions, cultural institutions, welfare state arrangements, tax regimes, borders and other international legal structures. 

Institutions can also affect citizens’ attitudes towards the permissibility of inequalities, for example the rise of meritocratic ideology.

Diverse people standing next to each other

Dimensions of inequality

Open societies flourish on equality, to achieve it we must understand its underpinnings. This platform aims to cover all dimensions of inequalities – hence research focusses on micro, meso and macro levels; on material, social, political, legal as well as symbolic/expressivist aspects of inequalities; on local, national, regional and global level; and in the past, the present, and looking into the future.

In order to further explore all these dimensions, we organise various meetings such as a Town Hall Meeting and we share information through our (occasionally) Newsletter. Interested parties can sign up for the Newsletter (Google Group) by sending an email to EqualityPlatformIOS@uu.nl indicating your interest.

Core team