University Focus Areas

Through the Utrecht Focus Areas, the Utrecht University reinforces it's profile and integrates fundamental research with their social mission. We contribute our expertise in information and computing sciences to multiple of these areas.

Utrecht Center for Game Research

Utrecht Center for Game Research

Games play an increasingly important role in areas like education, healthcare, safety, urban planning, sustainability, the creative industries, entertainment and other economic, cultural, and societal sectors. Games allow users to practice, play, experiment, research, and learn in a safe and motivating environment.​

Complex Systems Studies

Complex systems can be found as a driving force behind many of the events we encounter in day to day life. In these systems even a small change in one of the variables can have significant impact, resulting in traffic jams, unpredicted fast stock changes or a sudden epidemic.

Utrecht Bioinformatics Center

Utrecht Bioinformatics Center

Utrecht Bioinformatics Center combines data from various sources and research methods to gain a better insight in the various cellular processes. By sharing knowledge and methods our approach allows for the integration of information at the level of DNA, genes, proteins and metabolites, thus yielding a comprehensive picture.