String Seminar Archive: 2023-2024

The string theory group holds seminars on a near weekly basis during the semester. Archived on this page are the seminars given during the 2023-2024 academic year. 

Semester II seminars

M-theory on nodal Calabi-Yau 3-folds and torsion refined GV-invariants

Thorsten Schimannek, Utrecht University
January 11

    Localization and resummation in 2d Yang-Mills

    Itamar Yaakov, University of Southampton
    January 18

      Quantum Detectorology

      Murat Kologlu, Yale University
      January 25

        Horizon symmetries, hydrodynamics, and chaos

        Natalia Pinzani-Fokeeva, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 
        February 1

          Instantons and Donaldson-Thomas theory on Calabi-Yau 4-folds

          Richard Szabo, Heriot-Watt University
          February 8

            The giant graviton expansion in AdS_5 X S^5

            Marti Rossellò, Academia Sinica
            February 15

              The resurgence of resurgence

              Marcel Vonk, University of Amsterdam
              February 29

                The intersection of heavy ions and nuclear structure: from the neutron skin of Pb-208 to the unexpected uses of a nuclear bowling pin.

                Govert Nijs
                March 1 Special Time: 11:00-12:00

                  Universal Patterns at Infinite Distance

                  Alberto Castellano, Madrid IFT
                  March 7

                    Non-perturbative Cosmological Bootstrap 

                    Kamran Salehi Vaziri, University of Amsterdam
                    March 14

                      Unwinding heterotic flux vacua

                      Yann Proto, Sorbonne Université
                      March 21

                        AdS3/RMT2 Duality

                        Gabriele di Ubaldo, IPhT, Saclay
                        April 4

                          Gravitational waves from a Hagedorn phase in the Early Universe

                          Gonzalo Villa, Cambridge University
                          April 11

                            Is holographic quark-gluon plasma homogeneous?

                            Matti Järvinen, APCTP
                            April 18

                              D-ITP Meeting - Utrecht

                              New Phases of SYM

                              Prahar Mitra, University of Amsterdam
                              April 25

                                Species Cosmology

                                Marco Scalisi, Max-Planck
                                May 2

                                  Holographic QFTs and effective de Sitter gravity theories: backreaction, spectra and stability. 

                                  Francesco Nitti, CNRS
                                  May 16

                                    Semiclassical black hole microstates

                                    Juan Hernandez, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
                                    May 23

                                      B-branes in hybrids and GLSMs

                                      Johanna Knapp, Melbourne University
                                      May 30

                                        Computation of Quark Masses in String Theory

                                        KIt Fraser-Taliente, Oxford University
                                        June 6

                                          Holographic Gubser Flow

                                          Sukurt Mondkar, Harish-Chandra Res. Inst.
                                          June 13

                                            On string axions and the dark universe 

                                            Nicole Righi, King's Coll. London
                                            June 20

                                              Semester I seminars

                                              The Page Curve from the Entanglement Membrane

                                              Anthony Thompson, University of Bristol
                                              September 14

                                                Black holes as theoretical laboratories

                                                Watse Sybesma, University of Cambridge and University of Iceland
                                                September 19

                                                  Entanglement, soft modes and celestial CFT

                                                  Ana-Maria Raclariu, University of Amsterdam
                                                  September 28

                                                    Thermalization near criticality

                                                    Diptarka Das, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
                                                    October 5 --- Special time: 15:00-15:55

                                                      Holography, I-branes and Confinement in (1+1) dimension

                                                      Ricardo Stuardo, Swansea University
                                                      October 5 --- Special time: 16:05-17:00

                                                        The heterotic G2 system on 3-(α, δ)-Sasakian manifolds

                                                        Mateo Galdeano, Hamburg University
                                                        October 12 

                                                          A holographic view on monopoles, baryons and confinement

                                                          Javier Subils, Utrecht University
                                                          October 17 

                                                            (Higher-)spinning at the Edge of the Swampland 

                                                            Florent Baume, Hamburg University
                                                            October 26

                                                              Analytic bounds on asymptotic cosmologies

                                                              Flavio Tonioni, Leuven University
                                                              November 2

                                                                Adventures in the Tensionless Corner of String Theory

                                                                Rittankar Chatterjee, Indian Institute of Technology - Kanpur
                                                                November 09

                                                                  Exact instanton transseries for quantum mechanics

                                                                  Alexander van Spaendonck, University of Amsterdam
                                                                  November 16

                                                                    D-ITP Meeting - Utrecht

                                                                    One-loop string amplitudes revisited

                                                                    Lorenz Eberhardt, University of Amsterdam
                                                                    November 30

                                                                      Exploring the symmetries of black holes: from perturbations to black hole mechanics

                                                                      Jibril Ben Achour, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
                                                                      December 7

                                                                        The correspondence between rotating black holes and fundamental strings

                                                                        Andrea Puhm, University of Amsterdam
                                                                        December 14

                                                                          Previous seminars

                                                                          Select a previous seminar and view more information such as the seminar schedule and abstracts.