String Theory Seminar

The string theory group holds seminars on a near weekly basis during the semester. Speakers are invited to the ITP to give a talk based on their current research.

The talks are held in a 30+45 minute format. The first 30 minutes are an informal introduction to the topic, aimed at masters and PhD students, to provide context to those who are not active researchers in the field. The seminar talk itself comprises the remaining 45 minutes. 


15.30 - 17.00 hours


Buys Ballot Building, room 7.12


For information about this page please contact Casey Cartwright


Semester I

Finding Integrable Models

Marius De Leeuw, Trinity College Dublin
September 12

    The view of a point: Wigner-Inonu contractions and the flat space limit of AdS scattering

    David Berenstein, UC Santa Barbara
    September 19


      Vincent Van Hemelryck. Uppsala University
      September 26


        Enrico Speranza, CERN
        October 17


          Ronnie Rodgers, NORDITA
          December 5

            Previous seminars

            Select a previous seminar and view more information such as the seminar schedule and abstracts.