Master's programme Theoretical Physics

Master Theoretical Physics

Theoretical Physics is a challenging field in which Utrecht University has earned worldwide recognition as a leading institution. Our highly acclaimed research programme has two main focus areas.

The researchers in Quantum Gravity, Strings and Elementary Particles (QGSEP) seek to provide a theoretical and quantitative description of space-time, the fundamental forms of matter and their mutual interactions. They work in areas such as quantum gravity, elementary particle physics and cosmology.

Those in Condensed-Matter Theory, Statistical and Computational Physics (CMTSCP) aim for a better understanding of macroscopic phenomena on the basis of microscopic many-body theories. Their research addresses a wide range of subjects, including Bose-Einstein condensation, chaos theory, polymer dynamics, quantum Hall phenomena and the structure of colloids. The Master's programme in Theoretical Physics provides you with a thorough education in both areas and introduces you to an exciting world of curiosity.
The Master's programme aims at training young, promising and motivated students to become sophisticated researchers in theoretical Physics. An undergraduate student with a good grasp of quantum mechanics, electrodynamics and modern classical mechanics usually still needs a solid introduction to the concept and ideas of field theory that lie at the heart of modern theories.

More information: Master Theoretical Physics