EDI Council
The ITP EDI council is dedicated to promoting Equality, Diversity & Inclusion within the Institute for Theoretical Physics, with regards to both research and education.
More information on the EDI council is in the “EDI info” channel of the V-ITP. Our ongoing activities include maintaining the offline EDI Box and collecting and posting EDI related info in the channel. Moreover, the "Newcomers" channel of the V-ITP provides support for those who have just joined Utrecht and/or the ITP. Feel free to ask questions there!
Events at the ITP are in line with the ITP’s code of conduct.
You can contact the EDI council through any of its members, via the EDI mailbox (edi.itp@uu.nl), or via the physical EDI Box outside the ITP secretariat.
The EDI council is currently formed by:
- Elisa Chisari, n.e.chisari@uu.nl, assistant professor
- René van Roij r.vanroij@uu.nl, professor
- Ro Jefferson, r.jefferson@uu.nl, assistant professor
- Nico Groenenboom, n.groenenboom@uu.nl, PhD student
- Mariëlle Hilkens, M.E.T.Hilkens@uu.nl, institute coordinator
For more information, see: