Alkemade, F.J.M. - 8 maart 1999 The changing ozone layer: variability analysis and model predictions Promotor: prof. P.J.H. Builtjes, co-promotor: dr. G.J.M. Velders
De Roode, S.R. - 2 september 1999 Cloudy Boundary Layers. Observations and Mass-Flux Parameterizations Promotor: prof. dr. A.A.M. Holtslag, co-promoter: dr. ir. P.G. Duynkerke
Hazeleger, W. -1 februari 1999 Variability in Mode Water Formation on the Decadal Time Scale Promotor: prof. dr. W.P.M. de Ruijter, co-promotor: Dr. S.S. Drijfhout, KNMI.
Marufu, L. - 8 februari 1999 Photochemistry of the African Troposphere. The influence of biomass burning Promotores: prof.dr. J. Lelieveld, prof. dr. G. Helas
Petersen, A.C. - 7 juni 1999 Convection and chemistry in the atmospheric boundary layer Promotores: prof. dr. A.A.M. Holtslag, prof. dr. J. Lelieveld, co-promotor dr. H. van Dop
Tijm, A.B.C. - 31 mei 1999 Sea-breeze Studies Promotor: prof. dr. A.A.M. Holtslag, co-promotor: dr. A.J. van Delden
Van Dorland, R.- 15 November 1999 Radiation and climate, from radiative transfer modelling to global temperature reponse Promotor: prof. dr. A.A.M. Holtslag, co-promotor: dr. P. Stammes
Van Lipzig, N.P.M. van - 6 oktober 1999 The surface mass balance of the Antarctic ice-sheet: a study with a regional atmospheric model Promotor: prof. dr. J. Oerlemans, co-promotor: dr. E. van Meijgaard.
Veefkind, J.P. - 11 oktober 1999 Aerosol Satellite Remote Sensing Promotores: prof. dr. ir. P.J.H. Builtjes, prof.dr. G. de Leeuw
Verver, G. - 29 november 1999 Interaction of Mixing and Chemistry in the Atmosphere Boundary Layer Promotor: prof. dr. A.A.M. Holtslag, co-promotor: dr. H. van Dop
Vossepoel, F.C. - 16 november 1999 Sea-Level Data Assimilation for Estimating Salinity Variability in the Tropical Pacific Promotores: K.F. Wakker, prof. dr. W.P.M. de Ruijter
Reviewed Scientific Publications
Bintanja, R. - On the Glaciological, meteorological, and climatological significance of antarctic blue ice areas- Review of geophysics37 (3), (1999)
Crone, G.C., N. Dinar, H. van Dop, G.H.L. Verver - A Lagrangian approach for modelling turbulent transport and chemistry - Atmospheric environment33, 4919-4934 (1999)
Dedikov, J.V., G.S. Akopova, N.G. Gladkaja, A.S. Piotrovskij, V.A. Markellov, S.S. Salichov, H. Kaesler, A. Ramm, A. Müller von Blumencron and J. Lelieveld - Estimating methane releases from natural gas production and transmission in Russia - Atmospheric environment 33, 3291-3299 (1999)
De Laat, A.T.J., M. Zachariasse, G.-J. Roelofs, P. van Elthoven, R.R. Dickerson, K.P. Rhoads, J. Oltmans, J. Lelieveld - Tropospheric O3 distribution over the Indian Ocean during spring1995 evaluated with a chemistry-climate model - Journal of geophysical research104 (D11), 13.881-13.893 (1999)
Denby, B. - Second Order Modelling of Turbulence in Katabatic Flows - Boundary layer meteorology 92, 67-100 (1999)
Dentener, F.J., J. Feichter, A. Jeuken - Simulation of the transport of RN222 using on-line and off-line global models at different horizontal resolutions: a detailed comparison with measurements - Tellus, 51B, 573-602 (1999)
De Reus, M., J. Ström, P. Hoor, J. Lelieveld, C. Schiller - Particle production in the lowermost stratosphere by convective lifting of the tropopause - Journal ofgeophysical research104 (D19), 23.935-23.940 (1999)
De Ruijter, W.P.M., P.J. van Leeuwen, J.R.E. Lutjeharms - Generation and evolution of natal pulses: Solitary meanders in the Agulhas Current - Journal of physical oceanography29, 3043-3055 (1999)
De Ruijter. W.P.M., A. Biastoch, S.S. Drijfhout, J.R.E. Lutjeharms, R.P. Matano, T. Pichevin, P.J. van Leeuwen, W. Weijer - Indian-Atlantic interocean exchange: Dynamics, estimation and impact - Journal of geophysical research 104 (C9), 20.885-20.910 (1999)
Dijkstra, H.A., M.J. Molemaker - Imperfections of the North-Atlantic wind-driven circulation: continental geometry and a-symetric wind stress - Journal of marine research 57, 1-28 (1999)
Dijkstra, H.A., J.D. Neelin - Imperfections of the thermohaline crculation: multiple equilibria and flux-correction - Journal of climate12, 1382-1392 (1999)
Dijkstra, H.A., J.D. Neelin - Coupled processes and the tropical Climatology. Part III: instabilities of coupled climatologies - Journal of climate12, 1630-1643 (1999)
Dijkstra, H.A., M.J. Schmeits, C.A. Katsman - Internal variability of the North Atlantic wind-driven ocean circulation - Surveys in geophysics 20, 463-503 (1999)
Duynkerke, P.G. - Turbulence, radiation and fog in Dutch stable boundary layers - Boundary layer meteorology 90, 447-477 (1999)
Duynkerke, P.G., P.J. Jonker, A. Chlond, M.V. van Zanten, J. Cuxart, P. Clark, E. Sanchez, G. Martin, G. Lenderink and J. Teixeira - Intercomparison of three- and one-dimensional simulations and aircraft observations of stratocumulus - Boundary layer meteorology92, 453-487 (1999)
Greuell, W., M.S. de Ruyter de Wildt - Anisotropic Reflection by Melting Glacier Ice: Measurements and Parametrizations in Landsat TM Bands 2 and 4 - Remote sensing of the environment70, 265-277 (1999)
Heinz, S., H. van Dop - Buoyant plume rise described by a Lagrangian turbulence model, - Atmospheric environment33, 2031-2043(1999)
Houweling, S., T. Kaminski, F.J. Dentener, J. Lelieveld, M. Heimann - Inverse modelling of methane sources and sinks using the adjoint of a global transport model - Journal of geophysical research 104, 26137-26160 (1999)
Houwing, E.J., W.E. van Duin, Y. Smit-van der Waaij, K.S. Dijkema, J.H.J. Terwindt - Biological and abiotic factors influencing the settlement and survival of Salicornia dolichostachya in the intertidal pioneer zone - Mangroves and Salt Marches 3, 197-206 (1999)
Huybrechts, P., J. de Wolde - The dynamic response of the greenland and antartic ice sheets to multiple-century climatic warming - Journal of climate12 (8), 2169-2188 (1999)
Isaksson, E., M. R. van den Broeke, J.-G. Winther, L. Karlöf, J.-F. Pinglot, N. Gundestrup - Accumulation and proxy-temperature variability in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, determined from shallow firn cores - Annals of glaciology29, 17-22 (1999)
Jonker, H.J.J., P.G. van Duynkerke, J.W.M. Cuijpers - Mesoscale fluctuations in scalars generated by boundary layer convection - Journal of the atmospheric sciences56, 801-808 (1999)
Kentarchos, A.S., G.-J. Roelofs, J. Lelieveld -Model study of a stratospheric intrusion event at lower midlatitudes associated with the development of a cutoff low- Journal of geophysical research104 (D1), 1717-1727 (1999)
Knap, W.H., C.H. Tijm-Reijmer, J. Oerlemans - Narrowband to broadband conversion of Landsat-TM glacier albedos - International journal of remote sensing20 (10), 2091-2110 (1999)
Knap, W.H., B.W. Brock, J. Oerlemans, I.C. Willis - Comparison of Landsat TM-derived and ground-based albedos of Haut Glacier d' Arolla, Switzerland - International journal of remote sensing20 (17), 3293-3310 (1999)
Lelieveld, J., A. Bregman, H.A. Scheeren, J. Ström, K.S. Carslaw, H. Fischer, P.C. Siegmund,
F. Arnold - Chlorine activation and ozone destruction in the northern lowermost stratosphere - Journal of geophysical research104 (D7), 8201-8213 (1999)
Marufu, L., J. Ludwig, M.O. Andreae, J. Lelieveld, G. Helas - Spatial and temporal variation in biofuel consumption rates and patterns in Zimbabwe: Implications for atmospheric trace gas emissions - Biomass and bioenergy 16, 311-332 (1999)
Obleitner, F., J. de Wolde - On intercomparison of instruments used within the Vatnajökull glacio-meteorological experiment - Boundary layer meteorology92, 27-37 (1999)
Oerlemans, J., H. Björnsson, M. Kuhn, F. Obleitner, F. Palsson, C.J.P.P. Smeets, H.F. Vugts, J. de Wolde - Glacio-meteorological investigations on Vatnajökull, Iceland, summer 1996: an overview - Boundary layer meteorology 92, 3-26 (1999)
Petersen, A.C., C. Beets, H. van Dop, P.G. Duynkerke, A.P. Siebesma - Mass-flux characteristics of reactive scalars in the convective boundary layer - Journal of atmospheric sciences 56, 37-56 (1999)
Petersen, A.C., A.A.M. Holtslag - A First-Order Closure for Covariances and FLuxes of Reactive species in the Convective Boundary Layer - Journal of applied meteorology38 (12), 1758-1776 (1999)
Tijm-Reijmer, C.H., W.H. Knap, J. Oerlemans - The surface of the Vatnajökull cap, Iceland: a comparison between dattelite-derived and ground-based measurements - Boundary layer meteorology 92, 125-144 (1999)
Tijm-Reijmer, C.H., W. Greuell, J. Oerlemans - The annual cycle of meteorological variables and the surface energy balance on Berkner Island, Antarctica - Annals of glacialogy29, 49-54 (1999)
Roeckner, E., L. Bengtsson, J. Feichter, J. Lelieveld, H. Rodhe - Transient climate change simulations with a coupled atmosphere-ocean GCM including the tropospheric sulfur cycle - Journal of climate 12, 3004-3032 (1999)
Roelofs, G.-J. - Radiative forcing by tropospheric ozone: impact of cloud representation - Geophysical research letters26 (4), 467-470 (1999)
Ruessink, B.G., K.T. Houwman, P. Hoekstra - Medium-term frequency distributions of cross-shore suspended sediment transport rates in water depths of 3 to 9 m - Coastal ngineering 38, 25-46 (1999)
Schneider, J., F. Arnold, J. Curtius, B. Sierau, H. Fischer, P. Hoor, F.G. Wienhold, U. Parchatka, Y.C. Zhang, H. Schlager, H. Ziereis, Ch. Feigl, J. Lelieveld, H.A. Scheeren and O. Bujok - The temporal evolution of the ratio HNO3/NOy in the Arctic lower stratosphere from January to March 1997 - Geophysical research letters 26, 1125-1128 (1999)
Schuttelaars, H.M., H.E. de Swart - Initial formation of channels and shoals in a short tidal embayment - Journal of fluid mechanics386, 15-42 (1999)
Smeets, C.J.P.P., P.G. Duynkerke, H.F. Vugts - Observed wind profiles and turbulence fluxes over an ice surface with changing surface roughness - Boundary layer meteorology 92, 101-123 (1999)
Ström, J., H. Fischer, J. Lelieveld and F. Schröder - In-situ measurements of microphysical properties and trace gases in two cumulonimbus anvils over western Europe - Journal of geophysical research 104, 12221-12226 (1999)
Tijm, A.B.C. A.A.M. Holtslag, A.J. van Delden - Observations and modeling of the sea breeze with the Return Current- Monthly weather review127, 625-640 (1999)
Tijm, A.B.C., A.J. van Delden - The role of sound waves in sea-breeze initiation - Quarterly journal of the Royal Meteorlogical Society 125, 1997-2018 (1999)
Tijm, A.B.C., A.J. van Delden, A.A.M. Holtslag - The inland penetration of sea breezes - Contribution to atmospherical physics72, 317-328 (1999)
Van Delden, A.J. -The slope of isentropes constituiting a frontal zone- Tellus, 51A , 603-611 (1999)
Van den Broeke, M.R., J.-G. Winther, E. Isaksson, J.F. Pinglot, L. Karlöf, T. Eiken, L. Conrads - Climate variables along a traverse line in Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica - Journal of glaciology45, 295-301 (1999)
Van der Avoird, E., P.G. Duynkerke - Turbulence in a katabatic flow: Does it resemble turbulence in stable boundary layers over flat surfaces? - Boundary layer meteorology 92, 39-66 (1999)
Van der Hage, J.C.H., S.R. de Roode - An isotropic light sensor for measurements of visible actinic flux in clouds - Journal of atmospheric and oceanic technology16, 1698-1701 (1999)
Van de Wal, R.W.S. - Processes of buildup and retreat of the Greenland ice sheet - Journal of geophysical research106 (D4), 3899-3906 (1999)
Van de Wal, R.W.S. - The importance of thermodynamics for modeling the volume of the Greenland ice sheet - Journal of geophysical research104 (D4), 3887-3898 (1999)
Van Haren, H., L. Maas, J.T.F. Zimmerman, H. Ridderinkhof, H. Malschaert - Strong inertial currents and maarginal internal wave stability in the central North Sea - Geophysical research letters26 (19), 2993-2996 (1999)
Van Hees, R.M., J. Lelieveld, W.D. Collins - Detecting tropical convection using AVHRR satellite data - Journal of geophysical research104 (D8), 9213-9228 (1999)
Van Leeuwen, P.J. - The time-mean circulation in the Agulhas region determined with the ensemble smoother - Journal of geophysical research104 (C1), 1393-1404 (1999)
Van Lipzig, N., E. van Meijgaard, J. Oerlemans - Evaluation of a regional atmosferic model for January 1993, using in situ measurements from the Antarctic - Annals of glaciology27, 507-514 (1999)
Van Lipzig, N., E. van Meijgaard, J. Oerlemans - Evaluation of a regional atmospheric model using measurements of surface heat exchange processes from a site in Antarctica - Monthly weather review127, 1994-2011 (1999)
Van Zanten, M.C., P.G. Duynkerke, J.W.M. Cuijpers - Entrainment parameterization in convective boundary layers - American Meteorological Society56 (6), 813-828 (1999)
Vittori, G, H.E. de Swart, P. Blondeaux - Crescentic bedforms in the nearshore region - Journal of fluid mechanics381, 271-303 (1999)
Waibel, A.E., H. Fischer, F.G. Wienhold, P.C. Siegmund, B. Lee, J. Ström, J. Lelieveld, P.J. Crutzen - Highly elevated carbon monoxide concentrations in the upper troposphere and lowermost stratosphere at northern midlatitudes during the STREAM-II summer campaign in 1994 - Chemosphere: global change sciences 1, 233-248 (1999)
Weijer, W., W.P.M. de Ruijter, H.A. Dijkstra, P.J. van Leeuwen - Impact of interbasin exchange on the Atlantic overtuning circulation - Journal of physical oceanography29, 2266-2284 (1999)
Reports, books and other publications
Bregman, A., J. Lelieveld, H.A . Scheeren, J. Ström, K. Carslaw, H. Fischer, P. Siegmund, F. Arnold - Chlorine activation and ozone destruction in the lowermoststratosphere? - Proceedings of the European Workshop on Mesoscale processes in the stratosphere - Bald Tölz, Germany, 8-11 November 1998.
Burgers, G. and H.A. Dijkstra - Met El Niño naar Global Change: lessen uit de Stille Oceaan. In: Kok, M en W. de Groot - Een Klimaat voor Verandering , Uitg. Jan van Arkel (1999)
Calvete, D., A. Falqués, H.E. de Swart, N. Dodd: Non-linear Modelling of shoreface-connected sand ridges. In: Kraus, N.C. and W,G. McDougal - Coastal Sediments '99 , 2, ASCE, 1123-1138 (1999)
De Wolde, J, Uncertainties in sea-level scenarios. In: Carter, T.R., M. Hulme and D. Viner (eds.) - Representing Uncertainty in Climate Charge Scenarios and Impact Studies , ECLAT-2 report no. 1, Helsinki Workshop, 14-16 (1999)
Dijkstra, H.A. and P.C.J. van der Vaart - Instabilities in the coupled equatorial pcean-atmosphere. In: Shyy, W and R. Narayanan (eds) - Fluid Dynamics at Interface, Cambridge University Press (1999)
Falqués, A, D. Calvete, H.E. de Swart, N.Dodd - Morphodynamics of shoreface-connected ridges. In B.L. Edge (ed.), Proc. 26th Int. Conf. Costal Engineering, ASCE, Reston (VI) 2851-2864 (1999)
Kreidenweis, S., G. Tyndall, M. Barth, F.J. Dentener, J. Lelieveld, M. Mozurkewich - Aerosols and clouds - In: G.P. Brasseur, J.J. Orlando and G.S. Tyndall (eds.) Atmospheric chemistry and global change, pp. 117-154, Oxford University Press, New York (1999)
Molemaker, M.J. and H.A. Dijkstra - Multiple equilibria and stability of the North-Athlantic wind-driven ocean circulation. In: Doedel, E., and L. Tuckerman (eds.) - Numerical Methods for Bifurcation Problems and Large Scale Dynamical Systems, IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications, 119, 303-318 (1999)
Schramkowski, G.P., H.E. de Swart - Combined effect of overtides and Coriolis force in a 3D morphodynamic model - Proc. IAHR Symposium Genoa '99, G. Seminara and P. Blondeaux (eds) 269-278 (1999)
Schuttelaars, H.M., H.E. de Swart - Equilibrium morphodynamics in a long tidal embayment - Proc IAHR Symposium Genoa '99, G. Seminara and P. Blondeaux (eds) 619-628 (1999)
Van Dop, H - A Lagrangian two-particle model for turbulent transport and chemistry, EGS, the Hague (1999)
Van Leeuwen, SD.M., H.E. de Swart - The effect of nonlinear and deposition processes on the morphodynamics of tidal embayments - Proc. IAHR Symposium Genoa '99, G. Seminara and P. Blondeaux (eds) 639-648 (1999)
Vittori, G., H.E. de Swart, P. Blondeaux - Arcuate patterns of the longshore bar: model and physical explanation. In: Proc. PACE Congres, Venice, contr. nr. 4.7 (1999)
Vittori, G., H.E. de Swart, P. Blondeaux - Longshore patterns of the sea bottom morphology. In: Proc. 26th Int. Conf. Costal Engineering, ASCE, Reston (VI) 2710-2721 (1999)