Ruessink, B.G. - 3 april 1998 - Infragravity waves in a dissipative multiple bar system - Promotores: prof. dr. J.H.J. Terwindt, prof. dr. ir. van Rijn, co-promotor: dr. P. Hoekstra
Stoffelen, A. - 26 oktober 1998 - Scatterometry - Promotores: prof. dr. A.A.M. Holtslag, prof. dr. A. Anderson (Oxford), prof. A. Heemink (TUD)
Van der Vaart, P.C.F. - 14 mei 1998 - Nonlinear tropical climate dynamics - Promotor: prof. dr. W.P.M. de Ruijter, co-promotor: dr. ir. H.A. Dijkstra
Vogelzang, J. - 14 mei 1998 - Radar imagery of the sea bottom topography - Promotor: prof. dr. J.F.T. Zimmerman
Reviewed Scientific Publications
Bintanja, R., - The interaction between drifting snow and atmospheric turbulence - Annals of glaciology 26, 167-173 (1998)
Bintanja, R. - The contribution of snowdrift sublimation to the surface mass balance of Antarctica - Annals of glaciology 27, 251-259 (1998)
Brasseur, G.P., R.A. Cox, D. Hauglustaine, I. Isaksen, J. Lelieveld, D. Lister, R. Sausen, U. Schumann, A. Wahner and P. Wiesen - European scientific assessment of the atmospheric effects of aircraft emissions - Atmospheric environment 32, 2329-2416 (1998)
Burgers, G., P.J. van Leeuwen ,G. Evensen - On the analysis scheme in the ensemble Kalman filter - Monthly weather review 126, 1719-1724 (1998)
Cuijpers, J.W.M., A.A.M. Holtslag - Impact of skewness and nonlocal effects on scalar and buoyancy fluxes in convective boundary layers - Journal of the atmospheric sciences 55, 151-162 (1998)
Danilin, M.Y., D.W. Fahey, U. Schumann, M.J. Prather, J.E. Penner, M.K.W. Ko, D.K. Weisenstein, C.H. Jackman, G. Pitari, I. Köhler, R. Sausen, C.J. Weaver, A.R. Douglass, P.S. Conell, D.E. Kinnison, F.J. Dentener, E.L. Fleming, T.K. Berntsen, I.S.A. Isaksen, J.M. Haywood and B. Kärcher - Aviation fuel tracer simulation: model intercomparison and implications - Geophysical research letters 25 (21), 3947-3950 (1998)
De Laat, A.T.J., P.G. Duynkerke - Analysis of Astex-stratocumulus observational data using a mass-flux approach - Boundary layer meteorology 86, 63-87 (1998)
De Reus, M., J. Ström, M. Kulmala, L. Pirjola, J. Lelieveld, C. Schiller and M. Zöger - Airborne aerosol measurements in the tropopause region and the dependence of new particle formation on pre-existing particle number concentration - Journal of geophysical research 103, 31255-31263 (1998)
Dijkstra, H.A., E.J. Kranenborg, - On the evolution of double-diffusive intrusions into a stably stratified liquid: the physics of self-propagation - International journal of heat and mass transfer 41 (14), 2113-2124 (1998)
Dijkstra, H.A., P.C.F. van der Vaart - On the physics of upgradient momentum transport in unstable Eastward jets - Geophysical astrophysical fluid dynamics 88, 295-323 (1998)
Feron, R.C.V., W.P.M. de Ruijter, P.-.J. van Leeuwen - A new method to determine the mean sea surface dynamic topography from satellite altimeter observations - Journal of.geophysical research 103 (C1), 1343-1362 (1998)
Galmarini, S., C. Beets, P.G. Duynkerke, J. Vilà-Guerau de Arellano - Stable nocturnal boundary layers: a comparison of one-dimensional and large-eddy simulation models - Boundary layer meteorology 88, 181-210 (1998)
Ganzeveld, L., J. Lelieveld, G.-J. Roelofs - A dry deposition parameterization for sulfur oxides in a chemistry and general circulation model - Journal of geophysical research 103 (D5), 5679-5694 (1998)
Greuell, W., R. Böhm - 2m temperatures along melting mid-latitude glaciers, and implications for the sensitivity of the mass balance to variations in temperature - Journal of glaciology 44 (146), 9-20 (1998)
Houweling, S., F.J. Dentener, J. Lelieveld - The impact of nonmethane hydrocarbon compounds on tropospheric photochemistry - Journal of geophysical research 103 (D9), 10.673-10.696 (1998)
Katsman, C.A., H.A. Dijkstra, S.S. Drijfhout - The rectification of wind-driven due to its instabilities - Journal of marine research 56, 559-587 (1998)
Knap, W.H., C.H. Tijm-Reijmer - Anistropy of the reflected radiation field over melting glacier ice: measurements in landsat TM Bands 2 and 4 - Remote sensing of the environment 65, 93-104 (1998)
Kranenborg, E.J., H.A. Dijkstra - Double diffusive layer formation near a cooled liquid-solid boundary - International journal of heat and mass transfer 41 (13), 1873-1884 (1998)
Kranenborg, E.J., H.A. Dijkstra - On the evolution of double-diffusive intrusions into a stably stratified liquid: a study of the layer merging process - International journal of heat and mass transfer 41, 2743-2756 (1998)
Krol, M.C., P.J. van Leeuwen, J. Lelieveld - Global OH trend inferred from methylchlororform measurements - Journal of geophysical research 103 (D9), 10.697-10.711 (1998)
Krol, M.C., D. Poppe - Nonlinear dynamics in atmospheric chemistry rate equations - Journal of atmospheric chemistry 29, 1-16 (1998)
Makaske, B., P.G.E.F. Augustinus - Morphologic changes of a micro-tidal, low wave energy beach face during a spring-neap tide cycle, Rh™ne-Delta, France - Journal of coastal research 14, 632-645 (1998)
Matano, R.P., C.G. Simionato, W.P.M. de Ruijter, P.J. van Leeuwen, P.T. Strub, D.B. Chelton, M.G. Schlax - Seasonal variability in the Agulhas retroflection region - Geophysical research letters 25 (23), 4361-4364 (1998)
Oerlemans, J., B. Anderson, A. Hubbard. Ph. Huybrechts, T. J—hannesson, W.H. Knap, M. Schmeits, A.P. Stroeven, R.S.W. van de Wal, J. Wallinga, Z. Zuo - Modelling the response of glaciers to climate warming - Climate dynamics 14, 267-274 (1998)
Oerlemans, J., W.H. Knap - A 1 year of global radiation and albedo in the ablation zone of Morteratschgletscher, Switserland - Journal of glaciology 44 (147), 231-238 (1998)
Oerlemans, J. - Comments on 'Mass balance of glaciers other than ice sheets' by Cogley and Adams - Journal of glaciology 45 (150), 397 (1998)
Petersen, A.C., E.J. Spee, H. van Dop, W. Hundsdorfer - An evaluation and intercomparison of four new advection schemes for use in global chemistry models - Journal of geophysical research 103 (D15), 19.253-19.269 (1998)
Roelofs, G.-J., J. Lelieveld, L. Ganzeveld - Simulation of global distriburion and the influence on effective cloud drop radii with a coupled photochemistry-sulfur cycle model - Tellus, 50B, 224-242 (1998)
Ruessink, B.G. - The temporal and spatial variability of infragravity energy in a barred nearshore zone - Continental shelf research 18, 585-605 (1998)
Ruessink, B.G. - Bound and free infragravity waves in the nearshore zone under breaking and nonbreaking conditions - Journal of geophysical research 103 (C6), 12795-12805 (1998)
Ruessink, B.G., M.G. Kleinhans, P.G.L. den Beukel - Observations of swash under highly dissipative conditions - Journal of geophysical research 103 (C2), 3111-3118 (1998)
Ruessink, B.G., K.T. Houwman, P. Hoekstra - The systematic contribution of transporting mechanisms to the cross-shore sediment transport in water depths of 3 to 9 m - Marine geology 152, 295-324 (1998)
Smeets, C.J.P.P., P.G. Duynkerke, H.F. Vugts - Turbulence characteristics of the stable boundary layer over a mid-latitude glacier. Part I: A combination of katabatic and large scale forcing - Boundary layer meteorology 87, 117-145 (1998)
Van Delden, A.J. - The synoptic setting of a thundery low and associated prefrontal squall line in Western Europe - Meteorology and atmospheric physics 65, 113-131 (1998)
Van Delden, A.J. - The slope of isentropes constituting a frontal zone - Tellus 51A, 603-611 (1998)
Van den Broeke, M.R. - The semiannual oscillation and Antarctic climate, part 1: influence on near-surface temperatures (1957-1979) - Antarctic science 10 (2), 175-183 (1998)
Van den Broeke, M.R. - The semiannual oscillation and Antarctic climate, part 2: recent changes - Antarctic science 10 (2), 184-191 (1998).
Van der Hage, J. - Response to J.D. Ackerman - Functional ecology 12, 982 (1998)
Van der Vaart, P.C.F., H.A. Dijkstra - The nonlinear evolution of unstable coupled equatorial ocean-atmosphere modes - Nonlinear processes in geophysics 5, 39-52 (1998)
Van Dop, H. - Comment on 'The parametrization of the vertical dispersion of a scalar in the atmospheric boundary layer' by A. Venkatram and reaction by D.J. Thomson - Atmospheric environment 32, 257-258 (1998)
Van Dop, H., R. Addis G. Fraser F. Girardi G. Graziani, Y. Inoue N. Kelly W.Klug, A. Kulmala K. Nodop J. Pretel - ETEX: A European tracer experiment; observations, dispersion modelling and emergency response - Atmospheric environment 24, 4089-4094 (1998)
Van Leeuwen, P.J. - Comment on 'Data assimilation using an ensemble Kalman filter technique' - Monthly weather review 127, 1374-1377 (1998)
Vellinga, M. - Multiple equilibria in ocean models as a side effect of convective adjustment. - Journal of physical oceanography 28, 621-633 (1998)
Vilà-Guerau de Arellano, J., P.G. Duynkerke - Exchange of chemical species between the atmospheric boundary layer and the reservoir layer: an analytical interpretation. - Applied scientific research 59, 219-227 (1998)
Wallinga J., R.S.W. van de Wal - Sensitivity of Rhonegletscher, Switserland, to climate change: experiments with a one-dimensional flowline model - Journal of glaciology 44 (147), 383-394 (1998)
Reports, books and other publications
De Swart, H.E. and M. Blaas - Morphological evolutions in a 1D model for a dissipative tidal embayment - Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas , Dronkers & Scheffers (eds.), Balkema, 305-314(1998)
Friedrichs, C.T., B.D. Armbrust and H.E. de Swart - Hydrodynamics and equilibrium sediment dynamics of shallow, funnel-shaped tidal estuaries - Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas , Dronkers & Scheffers (eds.), Balkema, 315-327 (1998)
Gerkema, T. - A note on the effect of finite Stokes-layer thickness in a morphodynamic stability problem - Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas , Dronkers & Scheffers (eds.), Balkema, 387-395 (1998)
Holtslag, A.A.M., - Modelling of atmospheric boundary layers - Clear and Cloudy Boundary Layers, (Eds: A.A.M. Holtslag and P.G. Duynkerke), Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Amsterdam, 85-110 (1998)
Holtslag A.A.M. and P.G. Duynkerke (editors) - Clear and Cloudy Boundary Layers. proceedings of the colloquium held in Amsterdam, August 1997 - Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences, PO Box, 19121, 1000 GC Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 372pp. (1998)
Oerlemans, J. - The atmospheric boundary layer over melting glaciers - Clear and Cloudy Boundary Layers (Eds: A.A.M. Holtslag and P.G. Duynkerke), Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Amsterdam, 129-153 (1998)
Schuttelaars, H.M. - Nonlinear long-term equilibrium profiles in a short tidal embayment - Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas , Dronkers & Scheffers (eds.), Balkema, 337-343 (1998)
Van Dop, H., K. Nodop - ETEX, A European Tracer Experiment, Atmospheric environment special issue (24), 4089-4378 (1998)
Vilà-Guerau de Arellano, J. and J. Lelieveld - Chemistry in the atmospheric boundary layer - Clear and Cloudy Boundary Layers (Eds: A.A.M. Holtslag and P.G. Duynkerke), Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Amsterdam, 267-286 (1998)