
The Institute for Language Sciences houses roughly 70 tenured and 50 non-tenured researchers. Our permanent staff teaches in the departments of Languages, Literature and Communication and Media and Culture Studies.


Director of Research

Prof. Norbert Corver

Research Coordinator

Dr Maaike Schoorlemmer

Research Committee

Prof. Roberta D’Alessandro: Language structure: variation and change

Dr Rick Nouwen: Language, logic and information

Prof. Rick de Graaff; Language and education

Dr Tessa van Charldorp: Language and communication

Dr Elena Tribushinina: Language acquisition, processing and disorders

Advisory Board

Prof. Martin Everaert (UU)

Prof. Catrin Finkenauer (UU)

Drs. Hermien Hendrikx (Auris)

Prof. Paula Fikkert (Radboud University)

Dr Jos Keuning (CITO)

Prof. James McQueen (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics)