Utrecht University is growing as a center for research, education and exchange of knowledge concerning the historical and philosophical understanding of the life sciences and its relation to societal challenge

Our growing team engages in diverse topics. Historians and philosophers of the life sciences at Utrecht are active fellows of the Descartes Centre for the History and Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities. They also collaborate with colleagues across different faculties offering guest lectures and public talks. We invite you to engage with us to become a part of the community! 

People and projects

Our growing team engages in diverse topics. We invite you to read about the following researchers and research projects and contact our staff in case you have any inquiries.

Microbiome and Race Research

For more information about the project “Microbiome research and race in the ‘Local South(NWO, VIDI 2024-2029)”, click on this item. It will lead you to a different website that tackles the project in depth. 

Microbiome Research and Race in the Local South