- Fedde Benedictus (2017), Reichenbach: Probability & the A Priori
- Maaneli Derakhshani (2017), Stochastic Mechanics Without Ad Hoc Quantization: Theory And Applications To Semiclassical Gravity
- Pablo Acuña (2014), Empirical Equivalence and Underdetermination of Theory Choice: a philosophical appraisal and two case-studies
- Marc Holman (2014), The Quest for a Fundamental Theory of Physics - Rise and Demise of the Field Paradigm
- Cristian de Ronde (2011), The contextual and modal character of quantum mechanics: a formal and philosophical analysis in the foundations of physics
- Daan Wegener (2009), A True Proteus: a History of Energy Conservation in German Science and Culture, 1847-1914
- David M. Baneke (2008), Synthetisch Denken: natuurwetenschappers over hun rol in een moderne maatschappij, 1900-1940
- Michael P. Seevinck (2008), Parts and Wholes. An inquiry into quantum and classical correlations.
- Janneke van Lith-van Dis (2001). Stir in stillness: A study in the foundations of equilibrium statistical mechanics
- Huib Zuidervaart (1999), Van ‘Konstgenoten’ en Hemelse Fenomenen. Nederlandse Sterrenkunde in de Achttiende Eeuw
- Pieter Vermaas (1998), Possibilities and Impossibilities of a Modal Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
- F.A. Muller (1998), Structures for Everyone. Contemplations and proofs in the foundations and philosophy of physics and mathematics
- Henri G. Heijmans (1994), Wetenschap tussen universiteit en industrie: de experimentele natuurkunde in Utrecht onder W.H. Julius en L.S. Ornstein 1896-1940
- Dick J. Hoekzema (1993), Contextual Quantum Mechanics
- Frans H. van Lunteren (1991), Framing Hypotheses: Conceptions of Gravity in the 18th and 19th Centuries
- Jos Uffink (1990), Measures of Uncertainty and the Uncertainty Principle
- Casper Hakfoort (1986), Optica in de eeuw van Euler
- Dennis Dieks (1981), Studies in the Foundations of Physics: A discussion of some relations between physics, the foundations of physics and the philosophy of science
- Cornelis (Kees) de Pater (1979), Petrus van Musschenbroek (1692-1761), een newtoniaans natuuronderzoeker
Alex Fleuren (2024), Another critical look at inflationary cosmology [top-3 Hanneke Janssen Memorial Prize 2024]
Antonios Papaioannou (2024), Circularities in the empirical grounding of the cosmological principle
Menno Hellinga (2024), (No) Categorical Semantics for Classical Protocols
Carles Guillén Alminana (2024), Beyond the Dynamic-Static Dichotomy: Reshaping the Landscape of Metaphysics of Time through the Works of Jenann Ismael and Sebastian Rödl
Marien Raat (2023), Computation in Nested Closed Timelike Curves [Vliegenthart Thesis Award 2023]
Sanne Vergouwen (2022), Emergent Solitons and the Philosophy of Non-Perturbative Quantum Field Theory [Hanneke Janssen Memorial Prize 2022]
Thijs Hemme (2022), There and Back Again: From Physics to Epistemic Agents
Bart Verbeek (2022), Narratives and Arguments on the Impact of Astronomy in Post-Apartheid South Africa
Edoardo Tagliani (2022), Measurements and Elements of Reality in Relational Quantum Mechanics
Mon Klein Douwel (2022), Materialist subjectivity: From quantum mechanics to the space of subjectivity
Thijs M.K. Latten (2022), Levels of Relationality: Understanding relational quantum mechanics through Nāgārjuna
Damon Moley (2021), A Brief History of the Misinterpretation of the Everett Interpretation
David S. Skogerboe (2020), The Godfather of Satellites: Arthur C. Clarke and the Battle for Narrative Space in the Popular Culture of Spaceflight, 1945-1995
Skander Jaïbi (2020), Structicles: why particles are not what they seem
Kamiel Mobach (2019), Matter in Action: What is superconductivity?
Martijn Jansen (2019), From Many Branches to Many Worlds
Otto A. Lange (2019), The Hard Problem for Physics: In Search of a Place for Consciousness in Physical Theories
Sam M. Rijken (2019), Spacelike and Timelike Non-Locality
Ruward A. Mulder (2018), Worldly Patterns: Emergence, Functionalism and Pragmatic Reality [Hanneke Janssen Memorial Prize 2018]
Nijs van Tuijl (2018), Mathematics in Physics Education at Leiden University 1912-1940
Maurits Moeys (2018), On the role of local realism and background-based hidden variable theories in quantum theory [UvA; co-supervised by UU]
W. Guido Stam (2017), Johannes Bosscha Jr. (1831-1911) and the development of the field of physics in the Netherlands in the second half of the 19th century
Kees W. Greven (2017), Where are we now? An inquiry into the limits of an explanatory approach to bridge human time and physical time
Noelia Iranzo Ribera (2017), The Status of Bohr's Complementarity Today: A study of the nature of knowing and being
Peter D. Barker (2017), The Observer Priests: Stonyhurst Observatory, 1846-1919
Nick Wiggershaus (2017), The Ontological Status of Information in Physics
Suzette Obbink (2017), Gorter and the Americanization of Dutch Science: To what extent was Dutch science Americanized and how did this process manifest in Gorter’s career?
Emma Mojet (2016), Early Dutch Interest in Newtonian Mathematics: Adriaen Verwer (1654-1717) and Newton’s usefulness
Manuel Buitenhuis (2016), Jan Tinbergen's Move from Physics to Economics, 1922-1930
Rachel Lensink (2015), Science and Spectacle. Early ballooning in the Netherlands (1783-1830)
Lara van Zuilen (2015), The Polysemic Gibbs Paradox as a Reflection of Foundational Developments in Physics (1876-1911)
M.H.J. Ultee (2015), The mathematical / experimental theory and practice of ship-building improvement: Hooke, Newton, Petty, and Du Son
Victor R. Evink (2014), Unity Makes Strength: An evaluation of 25 years history & philosophy of science in Utrecht, 1988 - 2013
Pim van der Heijden (2014), FROM THE FRYING PAN INTO THE FIRE: Cassirer's conception of causality and dererminism and the responses of contemporary physicists
J.G. Hoogland (2014), On the interpretation of special relativity: Brown versus Janssen
Olle Spoelstra (2014), Ernst Cassirer and the Theories of Relativity
Gijs J. Leegwater (2013), Quantum mechanics: completely unhidden? A critical review of the work of Colbeck and Renner
Jorge A. Manero Orozco (2013), On the foundations and interpretations of Bohm’s approach to quantum mechanics
Jip van Besouw (2013), Einstein and the popular image of science in the Netherlands: The Dutch reception of relativity theory in the aftermath of the First World War
Steven F. van der Laan (2013), The Vortex Theory of Atoms - pinnacle of classical physics
Coen C. Brummer (2013), Striving for influence; A comparative analysis of Niels Bohr’s and John von Neumann’s ideas about nuclear deterrence and arms control in the Cold War
Chaokang Tai (2013), Aton Pannekoek and the Structure of the Milky Way: Epistemic and Socialist Virtues in Twentieth Century Astronomy
Femke Kuiling (2013), Perspectival Elements in Quantum Mechanics
Pascal Rodríguez Warnier (2012), Time-Symmetric Quantum Mechanics in the Block Universe
Vincent C.M. Schoutsen (2012), Worldly Structures. Where we touch the essence
Giulia Paparo (2012), Grete Hermann: Mathematician, Philosopher and Physicist
Nicholas P.C. Evans (2012), Ships, Lifts and Cages: A unified interpretation of symmetry in classical and quantum physics
Pablo T. Acuña (2012), Empirical Equivalence and Underdetermination of Theory Choice: a philosophical appraisal and a case study [Utrecht University-wide Best Graduate Thesis Prize 2012-2013; 2nd place Hanneke Janssen Memorial Prize 2012]
H. Sen (2012), Taqī al Dīn’s introduction to his work on Sundials: Fragrance of Sprit on Drawing Horary [Lines] on Plane Surface
S.F. van der Laan (2012), The Vortex Theory of Atoms: pinnacle of classical physics
Femke Kuiling (2010), Optical Illusions and Science
A. Streefland (2010), On the History of the Franck & Hertz Experiments
Marij van Strien (2010), Going backwards from the mechanical view. Mechanism and irreversibility in nineteenth century physics
A.F.M. van Kimmenade (2010), Resistance, Resentment and Relativity. A comparative analysis of French and German critics of the theory of relativity
M.J. van Vulpen (2009), The Problem of Measurement and Probability in Collapse and Non-Collapse Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics
A.J.C.P. Hagenaars (2009), Mind the Gap. A cognitive perspective on the flow of time in physics
M.M.P. van Hulten (2009), Mach, Einstein and Relationalism
Fedde J. Benedictus (2009), Logical Positivism & The Theory of Relativity
Hieke Huistra (2008), Gas discharge tubes at the Museon. A collection description
E.T. Jansen (2008), In Search of an Explanation for the Thermodynamical Arrow of Time in Cosmology
H. Meerwaldt (2007), Time reversal non-invariance in stochastic theories: Can GRW explain the irreversibility of macroscopic physics?
T.C. van Wijngaarden (year unknown), Man and his universe. Anthropic principles in cosmology
T.J.H. Nicolaije (2007), Nebulous Creation. The Nebular Hypothesis in British Thought, 1796-1859
Geurt Sengers (2007), From here to eternity
M. van der Velden (2007), Oprichting en beginjaren van de Nederlandsche Natuurkundige Vereeniging 1921-1939
M.A.M. Versteegh (2006), The individuality and the Entropy of Identical Particles
C.D. Zwart (2006), Ijksymmetrie in Quantumveldentheorie
P. Leclercq (2006), De adiabatische hypothese. Ontwikkeling en toepassing in de kwantumtheorie
R. Boeyink (2005), "In het centrum van het drama" Wetenschappelijke worstelingen van Paul Ehrenfest tussen 1916 - 1925
J. van Dockum (2004), Nonstandard analysis and the role of intuition in physics
Marijn Hollestelle (2004), ‘Beperkte spontaniteit’ Leven en werk van Philip Kohnstamm
V. Gijsbers (2004), The contingent law. A tale of Maxwell's Demon
L.D. Meijer (2004), Should we use the notion of backward causality? Reply to Phil Dowe's Physical Causation
R.M. van der Rijst (2003), J.D. van der Waals jr. A historical case study of scientific change
V. Verlaan (2003), P.L. Rijke: een bron van degelijkheid. Leven en werk van de hoogleraar natuurkunde aan de universiteit van Leiden in de negentiende eeuw
B. Ormel (2003), De plannen van Babel. Een onderzoek in de grondslagen van de quantumgravitatie
Thijs Hogenkamp (2025), On Penrose's analogy between spacetime curvature and optical lenses
David Zuilhof (2024), Unravelling the Boltzmann Brain Paradox: Empirical and Statistical Resolutions
Victor Schyns (2023), A Bohmian model of the quantum switch
Peter Otte (2019), Fine's Theorem and how to interpret Bell's Theorem [UvA; co-supervised by UU]
Wouter van Soest (2018), Quantum teleportation understood through first-order pilot-wave theory [UvA; co-supervised by UU]
Raoul Beernaert (2017), Inconsistencies of Fine's prism models
Elze Vermaas (2017), Unexpected interference in the weak decoherence condition [UvA; co-supervised by UU]
Kyra Orbons (2016), Weak measurement and two-state-vector formalism
- Wanda Fracheboud (2011), Bell's inequality and the nature of quantum theory
This list includes "afstudeerscripties" (final thesis) and "klein onderzoek" (minor research project thesis).
R. Muis (2002), Physical Structures. Structuralism and the Applicability of Mathematics
S. Nobbenhuis (2002), Foundations of Quantum Field Theories
C. Maka (2001), Correlation & Causation. Concerning the most stubborn intuition ever
Bram Edens (2001), Semigroups and Symmetry. An Investigation of Prigogine's Theories
H. de Koning (2001), Particles out of place: The feasibility of a localizable particle concept in relativistic quantum theory
K. de Jong (2001), Fokker en de Formanthese: Nederlandse fysica en filosofie in cultureel perspectief
E. Kooi (2000), Ontological and Epistemic Aspects of Bohm's Interretation of Quantum Mechanics
Andrea I. Lubberdink (1998), De individualiseerbaarheid van identieke deeltjes
T. Können (1998), What is Knowledge and How Does it Grow? Comparing the views of Popper, Kuhn, Lakatos, and Feyerabend
B. Bosnjakovic (1998), The Marriage of Logic and Physics. Locial Necessity or Physical Impossibility
Jan-Willem Romeijn (1998), Enantiomorphy and time. A challenge for reductionism towards orientation of time
V. Anil Sadhoeram (1997), Tijd & Ruimte, een inleiding over Newtons en Einsteins opvattingen
Pieter Kok (1997), Eigenschapstoekenning in de QM
W. van Buuren (1996), Uncomputable solutions of the wave equation
J. Poort (1996), The Tails Problem In Spontaneous Collapse Theory
Janneke van Dis (1996), De paradox van Gibbs
P. van Bezooijen (1995), Het Hole Argument. Discussie tussen ruimte-tijd-substantivalisme en relationisme
R.S. Etienne (1995), The Cosmological Horizon Problem
G. de Wilde (1994), Het Lokaliteitsprobleem in de Quantummechanica. Analyse van Stapp's niet-lokaliteitsbewijs
C. Lutz (1994), Special relativistic thermodynamics
Henk W. de Regt (1987), Over het verklaren van Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen correlaties
A.A. van de Peut (1993), Tweelingparadox en versnelling
M. van Duin (1993), Likelihood
Pieter E. Vermaas (1993), The electromagnetic vacuum in quantum physics. its properties in quantum electrodynamics without normal ordering
K. Sinke (1992), Jargon en Visie. Over de toepassing van de wijsbegeerte van de wetsidee op de natuurwetenschappen in "Time and Again"
M.M. Mathijssen (1991), Over de speciale relativiteitstheorie. Een bijdrage tot een kritische beschouwing van de opvattingen van B. Gut (1981,1989) met daarin een voorlopige vergelijking mett de eerste formulering van A. Einstein (1905,1917)
M. Brumsen (1991), De rol van de taal der klassieke fysica in de quantummechanica. Een visie op Niels Bohrs complementariteitsinterpretatie
J.F.T. Kamperman (1989), Het begrip 'Informatie' en de betekenis van Bell-ongelijkheden
H.G. Heijmans (1989), De rol van de proeven van Heinrich Hertz voor de bevestiging van Maxwells theorie
G. Karssenberg (1988), Het Anthropisch Principe
A. Quist (1988), Schrödinger's introduktie en interpretatie van de golfmechanica
B.C.W. van Engelenburg (1988), Klassieke Chaos. Onderzoek naar een mogelijke herinterpretatie van de klassieke mechanica
D. Hauschildt (1987), Interferenzauslöschung durch Messung des Weges und die Rolle des Projektionpostulats darin
Henk W. de Regt (1987), Over het verklaren van Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen correlaties
Albert C. van Helden (1987), De oorsprong van kwantumstatistiek en de (on-)mogelijkheid eendere deeltjes te onderscheiden
B. van Engelenburg (1987), Descartes & Leibniz. Twee systeembouwers uit de zeventiende eeuw
W. van Els (1987), Indeterminisme in de natuurkunde. Over het ontstaan van de theorie van Bohr, Kramers en Slater
V. van Dijk (1987), De Gibbs Paradox. Een studie naar de scheidbaarheid van gassen
P. Dekkers (1987), Een Relativistische Generalisatie van een Causale, Statistische Interpretatie van de Quantummechanica
P. Siemons (1986), De rol van meetkunde en intuïtie bij het epistemologische probleem
Albert C. van Helden (1986), Kausaliteit, als een relatie van overdracht van energie of impuls
P. Dekkers (1985), Voorbeeld van een 'Verborgen Variabele'-extensie van de quantummechanica ontworpen door D. Bohm en J. Bub
G. Zwanenburg (1985), De veel werelden interpretatie van de quantummechanica
W. Slooten (1984), Wetenschap en wetenschapsfilosofie van David Bohm. Verborgen variabelen in de quantummechanica
A. Lam (1984), Complementariteit. Quantumtheorie en de filosfie van Niels Bohr
D. Dekker (1984), De natuurwetenschappelijke methode. Praktische implikaties van wetenschapsfilosofische opvattingen en een vergelijk met de praktijk
N. Roorda (1981), De Identiteit in de Natuurkunde
H. Blankesteijn (1981), Het modelbegrip in de natuurwetenschap
N. Roorda (1981), Het Principe van Mach in onze tijd
Please contact if your thesis is missing from this page.